Sentences with phrase «variations on co»

There are a few different variations on co sleeping, but what it really boils down to is sleeping near your baby or small child.
This is technically an overarching term that includes a lot of different aspects of sleeping in the same bed or room with your child, and there are many different variations on co sleeping, too.

Not exact matches

That is, he claimed that the 11 - year sunspot cycle plus its secular and millennial variation, which I was modeling very precisely with my model, could be produced also by this kind of formula f (t) = A * cos (2p * (t - T1) / p1) + B * cos (2p * (t - T2) / p2) Some variation on that formula does a good job, e.g. the one I used in my toy - example: «Sunspot Number» = SQRT (ABS (k * cos (π / p1 * t) + cos (π / p2 * t)-RRB--RRB-
I think Gavin & co are probably relying on the obscure reasoning behind the anthropogenic «fingerprinting» analysis summarized in Figure 10.5, where Natural + Internal variation are shown as negligible while ANT fully explains all the observed temperature change.
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