Sentences with phrase «varied challenges»

The constant and varied challenges of this rescue project make it impossible for us to ever stop looking for donations.
There's a brand new Challenge mode of which presents varied challenges for you to undertake.
Battle through 30 stages with varying challenges in Mission mode; there's a secret prize for those who make it all the way!
Numerous game modes, from time trials, straight up races and the unique Time Shift multiplayer mode offer varied challenges to players, with updates continuously adding new content such as cars, courses and events.
There are varying challenge levels, and oh, here's something new: The «Asphalt Tracker» feature lets you connect to Facebook or Gameloft Live to let you compete directly with your friends.
We want to continue to break down the barriers to cycling for those that haven't yet found the fervour to cycle, encourage people to spend more time with each other pursuing a healthy active lifestyle, and inspire experienced cyclists with exciting and varied challenges across the world.»
Thankfully, the campaign offers just that with around 30 different levels that each provide varying challenges, and serves as an excellent way to be introduced to the game's mechanics and weaponry.
Schools face varying challenges that depend in part on the populations they serve, so perhaps the federal yardstick does better when those challenges are considered.
Prior games saw a more simple, straightforward combat system, with a handful of differing enemy archetypes creating varying challenge here and there.
The level design is solid as well, with varying challenges posed by spikes, lasers, and auto - scrolling, even if it does fail to take things to their full potential for complexity.
Constant and varied challenges keep the game feeling fresh and unique, offering pick - up - and - play gaming experience to suit every player's lifestyle
That's about all there is to controlling Kirby, but as with many spin - offs from HAL Laboratory, this one simple gimmick is built upon a dozen times over to create some impressively varied challenges.
What We Ski lacks in high - speed thrills it makes up for with varied challenges, charming visuals, and a great control scheme.
Numerous game modes, from time trials, straight up races and the unique Time Shift Multiplayer mode offer varied challenges to players, with updates continuously adding new content such as new cars, racing events and a pit crew system.
In Shelter Generations you embark upon unique journeys in the wild that present varied challenges and familial love — it's a memorable experience wherever you play.
There are some cool physics based mechanics and a breadth of levels of varying challenge in iO, but the presentation leaves a lot to be desired.
That isn't to say they won't continue to nag at you as the years go on, or that new and varied challenges won't arise to take their place, but you'll be prepared to handle yourself in those most volatile and impactful first few months — and that puts you far ahead of the competition.
You will be constantly kept on your toes with varying challenges each and every day, so if you're the type of person who fancies the occasional test of mental fortitude, then this is the career for you.
The Church recognizes that every couple is different and has varying challenges, resources, and gifts.
He enjoys the varying challenges the building gives him, and he takes great pride in being able to problem solve.
Surprisingly few of these aspiring academics ask me about what it is like doing the job and what they should be doing to prepare themselves for the varied challenges ahead.
Triathlon was chosen because the disciplines of swimming, cycling, and running present, between the three, enough unique and varied challenges that most individuals can translate these considerations to their sport.
History Mode lets you re-enact iconic battles from the Fire Emblem series, playing as specific heroes while taking on varying challenges.
Connecticut last week became the first and, so far, only state to sue over the federal No Child Left Behind Act, a move that some analysts say could embolden policymakers elsewhere to step up their varied challenges to the Bush administration's signature education law.
They are an essential resource for schools, coping quickly with new and varied challenges, but over the last few years the growth of agency employment has driven down supply teachers» pay hugely.
With different sized holes, varying challenges, and the reward of a treat at the end, there should be no reason why your cat doesn't dive straight in and have a great time with this charming little interactive toy.
Stagger at least three jumps in one course so there's more than one height to vary the challenge, but be sure your dog can master the easy, smaller heights before negotiating higher jumps.
She enjoys small animal medicine and its varied challenges, particularly dermatology and ultrasound.
For now completing the varied Challenges the game offers up as an incentive to replay the level grants a few bonuses to choose from in the planning stage, namely you can Agency caches stashed around the level that contain things like a sniper rifle, or you can opt to start the mission undercover, perhaps as a member of the kitchen staff or as a makeup artist behind the scene.
The co-operative mechanics offer great excitement and discovery while the varied challenges, upgrades, and special abilities / weapons raise the replay value to a very high level.
You do want the same skills to generalize out as you keep playing; you're meeting new and varied challenges with the same skills you've been mastering all along, not learning new ones.
Randomly generated missions provide players with varied challenges and dilemmas, which may require sacrificing one person for the good of the others.
Convict Minigames is a collection of five events grouped together to provide players with varying challenges, maximum fun, and unique value within the Xbox Live Indie Games Marketplace.
She believes in continually painting a variety of subject matter, enjoying the varied challenges and stimulation that different subjects offer.
Toward the end, Macfarlane describes the varied challenges to the idea of an Anthropocene epoch:
I went into law, like many, because I wanted an interesting and varied challenge.
Numerous game modes — including time trials, standard races and the Time Shift multiplayer mode — offer varied challenges to players, with updates continuously adding new content such as new cars and racing events.
«The company offers fantastic colleagues, varied challenges and the opportunity for constant development.»
Yet, I've come to see that Marriage Education is just a small part of it: The business we're really in is transforming relationships through a range of research - based Relationship Education programs — programs that are targeted to different ages and stages, different demographics, and to the varying challenges people deal with in their various relationships.
A trained marriage counselor needs to understand the unique and varied challenges you face.
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