Sentences with phrase «varied ideas»

As a result, the candidates came in with varying ideas about what their leadership role would entail.
Self - esteem has become a popular concept, with varying ideas on how to cultivate it in our children.
We both have pretty varying ideas on what «spicy» means.
Self - esteem has become a popular concept, with varying ideas on how to cultivate it in our children.
He is of the view government needs varied ideas and inputs from all Ghanaians including people outside the NPP to to propel economic growth.
XYZ showcases many games that aren't part of the mainstream and shows how those games can deliver varied ideas, experiences and emotions.
Sure, the gritty atmosphere and balls out gunplay offers up some thrills, and yes the multiplayer options hold some potential but the hard - boiled noir tone and interesting amalgam of varied ideas never truly comes together to form the cohesive action thriller that the game aspires to be.
What the viewer sees expands if the viewer lets it into varying ideas and into a special rhythm based on the tensions between motion and stillness.
With all the home decorating and crafting experts out there creating vast, amazing and varied ideas for Thanksgiving table centerpieces, it can be difficult to decide which is right for your Thanksgiving table decoration
Researchers at the University of New Brunswick found that people actually have varied ideas of what activities fit into the term cybersex.
Although the association eventually grew to include over 400 member artists, initially about 40 artists with varied ideas and practices were involved, including Piet Mondrian, Jean Arp, Marlow Moss, Naum Gabo, Barbara Hepworth, Ben Nicholson, Kurt Schwitters, Wassily Kandinsky, and Paule Vézelay.
Individual Christians have varied ideas about what to expect from God and how to relate to God.
We also had varying ideas about how much time to spend together: I preferred a few nights a week, well - planned in advance, whereas my boyfriend was more open to random times to hang out and didn't feel the same urge to plan.
Creating active groups or connections via LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and other social media channels, educators are positioned to access content, lesson ideas, programs, support and varied ideas to use within professional development meetings, coaching conversations, student and classroom interactions.
It's a fitting analogy for an event, and a movement that continues to fizz and bubble with new and varied ideas, but which this year seemed to have a greater self - confidence and maturity than its first incarnation two years ago.
To engage staff you need to include them and their varied ideas.
I thought it would be fun to show you what I can up with, but also the varied ideas of what everyone else came up with as well!
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