Sentences with phrase «varied kinds»

It's not uncommon for freelancers to have lots of varied kinds of experience.
You can also add nuts or coconut to this mixture for varied kinds of chocolate.
Once you are on the dating site you can see varied kind of people.
The personal accident insurance plan covers varying kinds of disabilities as per the policy conditions.
There are many varied kinds of industrial segments that sales advisers can be employed such as manufacturing, banking, insurance, retail etc..
While I understand the desire to differentiate between varying kind of debts, I think it's important to move away from this conversation.
«The capacity of central bankers to do that, whether they plan to respond by varying some kind of capital requirement or whether they plan to respond by varying interest rates, seems to be to be very much in question,» Summers said.
That is, they had a very substantial amount of literature of varied kinds which corresponds closely with the kind of thing that is to be found among the scriptures of other people, notably those of the Hebrews and Christians.
The authors cite research that counted nearly 2,000 hospital data breaches of varying kinds between 2009 and 2016.
im vary kind and caring love being a goof but can turn off the jokes tone it down and be serious im so laid back im 5,4 im fun sized my body build is thick / / a lil athletic i like to lift here and there im a excellent cooker my dream is to...
The issue was less known in the other groups, and it spurred varying kinds of discussion.
The greater area of Adelaide hosts varying kinds of hotels, apartment hotels and budget accommodation all within easy proximity to the centre of downtown Adelaide and nearby Glenelg.
Composed of digital paintings, collages and sculptures, the four artists utilize varying kinds of mutable imagery — drawn from stock photography websites, social media and landscapes — as a representational vocabulary that intersects with physical presence.
They use varying kinds of imagery appropriated from popular culture and abstract interpretations of nature, used as a symbolic vocabulary to express a mystical, ephemeral and kaleidoscopic viewpoint.
While Axiom, NewLAWu.s, and Valorem may do varying kinds of work for different types of clients, they all exemplify New Law.
As good surgical doctor works on a patient in the theater with varied kinds of surgical instruments, so a true leader also needs a clean bag of leadership characters that vary from task to task.
My friend say I am honest and vary kind out spoken and easy to get along with I am 5ft 5in and I am a plus size man that is vary active at times
Instead, viewers are confronted with varying kinds of visual art, much of it rooted in some form of conceptualism, made by artists who «happen» to live in the Hamptons.
«Schedule some meetings periodically, vary the technology, vary the kinds of people you network with, make sure to see friends, even during the day.»
People have varying kinds of experience with human fathers and, as soon as one speaks of God as father, some are sure to project upon God the dependency, fear, hostility or resentment that has marked their relationship with their earthly father.
If, in view of all these varied kinds of religion and diverse interpretations of Christianity, you feel bewildered, and wonder just what being a Christian really is, I would call your thoughts home to Christianity's unique Fact, Jesus Christ.
The oral tradition he received (and this all helped to make him the civilized man he was becoming) had already created names for the large number and varied kinds of personal forces who made his world such a live place.
And if, in view of all the varied kinds of religion and diverse interpretations of Christianity, you feel bewildered, and wonder just what being a Christian really is, I would call your thoughts home to Christianity's unique Fact, Jesus Christ.
Genesis House continues to grow and has made contacts of varying kinds with thousands of women.
Keillor is a powerful reciter of varied kinds of poetry, as we discovered when we heard him give a reading in Chicago as part of a recent book tour.
Vary the kind of fruit used according to what's available.
Pamela Johnson Fenner, founder of Michaelmas Press, has always been involved with education of varying kinds — for children and adults.
This would give Labour party members rights of a wide and varied kind in relation to party organization.
Stripped to the essence, all the accusations against them are the same, of varying kinds and degrees of violations of the public trust, abuses of public office.
Feel free to vary the kind of kale you use in your kitchen; Goldstein says that there is no difference in nutritional benefits amongst the different varieties, so you'll just be adding flavor and color to your plate..
The barbecue - flavored tempeh croutons make any salad hearty and satisfying; you can vary the kinds of salad veggies here as you'd like.
It's important to vary the kind of produce you eat regularly.
Of course, he tries to vary the kinds of meats that he eats, and the way he cooks said meat, too.
Several researchers have investigated the role of the gluteus maximus during back extensions of varying kinds (horizontal and different degrees of incline).
There are varied kinds of winterwear that -LSB-...]
Since the Pokémon franchise first showed its face in 1996 thanks to the initial release of Pokémon Red and Blue, in the decades that followed, we have seen Pokémon games of varying kinds.
Multiple measures: the use of multiple indicators and sources of evidence of student learning, of varying kinds, gathered at multiple points in time, within and across subject areas.
One of the more interesting aspects of this week, is the varied kinds of apps and games.
However, there are many and varied kinds of self - publishing houses out there that do care what they publish and these companies are slowly eroding the self - publishing stigma.
Since the Pokémon franchise first showed its face in 1996 thanks to the initial release of Pokémon Red and Blue, in the decades that followed, we have seen Pokémon games of varying kinds.
The launch of the Tech Academy no doubt comes in response to the growing spread and significance of technology across businesses of varying kinds.
On the technical front, bitcoin experienced numerous tests, with both a soft and hard fork (two varying kinds of software upgrades) in Q3.
Vary the kind of sex you have Have gentle, loving - tender, intimate, and highly erotic sex.
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