Sentences with phrase «variety of cultures»

Starter cultures are available online for a wide variety of cultured foods and beverages.
This can be demonstrated by observing the familiar variety of cultures within a small American town.
It is the most democratic country in the world and it has a big variety of cultures and is full of opportunities.
It is this: because I spent my childhood trying on for size a wide variety of cultures and backgrounds, I still maintain a deep curiosity and desire to understand more about others.
With a powerful multi-strain probiotic supplement and a wide variety of cultured foods, it's possible to influence healthy blood pressure and establish a strong, non-overreacting immune system.
Noticing this trend throughout a large variety of cultures, socioeconomic classes, and settings around the world, researchers began to study how breastfeeding impacted fertility.
The city's food heritage has been influenced by a diverse variety of cultures including Jewish, Imazighen and Arab, as well as Africans and Europeans.
As an area that has been highly popular for new immigrants in the latter half of our current century, Queens County has a great variety of cultures and ethnic neighborhoods that make this New York area feel like their home countries.
Yet the visitor might also marvel that the Christian faith has taken root in an amazing variety of cultures, although it has to be said that such an ecumenical spirit has seldom been characteristic of the churches.
Specifically, I'm trying to find sources that can help me from the development of a new city (ie something like the foundation of a greek colony during archaic period, or foundation of colonies through the roman period) but it could be from the development of cities in the Neolithic or bronze age periods, and it doesn't necessarily have to be Greek / Roman, in fact, the more variety of cultures the better.
They got their start in fermenting foods with their farmstead food company, where they created over 40 varieties of cultured vegetables and krauts.
Starting in the late 70s, clubs started to open that were much more inclusive of a growing variety of cultures in the city; continuing through the 80s, with places like the Garage which got national attention for its banging theme nights.
There is a huge variety of culture to see in this area — ...
El Museo del Barrio is dedicated to present the rich variety of cultures with a wide range of collections and exhibitions of Latino, Caribbean, and Latin American - centered film, literary, performi...
Rusangano Family is a musical trio based in Limerick, producing social - engaged music that mixes a global variety of cultures and traditions.
He says he enjoyed his exposure to a wide variety of cultures while conducting business in Europe, the Middle East, North America, South America and the Caribbean Islands.
Churches in the third world have found themselves in the religious and cultural minority among a wide variety of cultures and religions.
Having worked in a very diverse state, I have been graced to experience a large variety of cultures, races, identities and demographics.
Chile has such a diverse variety of culture, landscapes and wildlife.
AHWD certification relays to the public that those certified have been professionally trained in and are sensitive to a wide range of cultural issues inviting a wider volume of business from a greater variety of cultures.
Bring in guest speakers from a variety of cultures, ethnicities and industries to share what their varying perspectives bring to the business table.
In your examination of the lifestyle of women living in a variety of cultures or sub-cultures demonstrates that it is the underlying principle rather than the details of how it is applied in life that matter.
It seems that Christianity is able to localize itself or indigenize itself in a variety of cultures.
from that page:» As the Roman Republic, and later the Roman Empire, expanded, it came to include people from a variety of cultures, and religions.
And as we see in Scripture, God can be glorified and honored in a variety of cultures and families, from the nomadic lifestyle of Abraham and Sarah to the shared tent making work of Priscilla and Aquilla.
People can not help belonging to a variety of cultures and groups in different degrees at the same time.
But, curiously, what has not changed at all is the underlying principle of every variety of culture - religion: that the churches should reflect the moral concerns of their social milieu; even more, that the faithfulness of this reflexivity is the criterion by which the legitimacy of the churches» role must be judged.
Japanese immigrants have found themselves in a variety of cultures and contexts, but have often maintained a loyalty to their native cuisine.
This group is made up of people all over the world in a variety of cultures.
By expanding our children's exposure to a variety of cultures and traditions, we better prepare them for life in this increasingly interconnected world.
«Capturing Breastfeeding Culture Worldwide» series of lectures touches the nature of breastfeeding in a variety of cultures.
As a result, military kids are exposed to a variety of cultures, both within and outside the United States.
Some people regard it as a diminutive of Ana, meaning it can work across a variety of cultures and languages.
You were curious about name popularity in not just Anglophone cities, but in a diverse range of metropolises on every continent from a variety of cultures.
This generalization appears to apply across a variety of cultures.
An opportunity to travel has enabled her to experience a variety of cultures and to see firsthand, that as mothers we share the same aspirations for our births and our families.
Small «s 1999 book, Our Babies, Ourselves: How Biology and Culture Shape the Way We Parent provides several case studies that illustrate the differences in parenting within a variety of cultures.
Just as lace - up boots have given way to flip - flops, so has the definition of recreation, which now reflects a variety of cultures and an emphasis on personal fitness.
Studies in a variety of cultures suggest that children are better off when their parents monitor their social activities (Parke et al 2002).
«It's important that we have a variety of voices, a variety of backgrounds, and a variety of cultures in order to come up with these solutions.»
Scientists Joana Meyer, from the ETH Institute of Integrative Biology group headed by Prof. Bruce McDonald, and Laurent Cartier of the Swiss Gemmological Institute (SSEF), under the direction of Michael Krzemnicki, succeeded for the first time in extracting trace amounts of DNA from a variety of cultured pearls in an almost non-destructive way.
To ensure ultimate gut - health consume probiotic - rich foods every day and be sure to get a variety (to offer a variety of cultured strains) throughout week.
As a former member of the United States Army as well as being a spouse of a retired veteran, she has traveled in and out of the country and experienced a variety of cultures.
Fermented drinks are actually the original sodas; they existed long before Coca - Cola and have been relished for centuries by a wide variety of cultures.
Probiotics come in supplement form, but they also are naturally present in a variety of cultured foods, such as yogurt, sauerkraut, natto, sour milk, various cheeses, and kefir.
Charcoal has been used in a variety of cultures in Asia and Africa for centuries which shows that isn't just trendy but really works.
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