Sentences with phrase «variety of diseases from»

Therapeutic antibodies — a class of biologics — are already being used extensively to treat a variety of diseases from cancer to autoimmune disorders.

Not exact matches

CRISPR gene - editing has already been vaunted as a tool that could eventually be used to tackle everything from HIV / AIDS to sickle cell disease to a variety of other disorders.
Science has taught us extraordinary truths about this universe — from what composes matter (atomic physics), to the great variety and forms of life (evolution) to medicine (germ theory of disease).
Farmers and consumers benefit from rice genetic research because it leads to new rice varieties that have higher yield, higher quality, and are more resistant to pests, diseases, and the effects of climate change.
That bulk, commodity cacao used in the cheap chocolate you can pick up for Halloween hand - out is grown in Ghana and Cote d'Ivoire, from disease - resistant, high - yield varieties that don't have any of the various notes you'll taste in a single - origin bar.
But experienced over the longer term, these adaptations also cause an array of physiological problems: They tend to lead to a compromised immune system, metabolic shifts that contribute to weight gain, and, later in life, a variety of physical ailments, from asthma to heart disease.
The information passed on to them was far from new — people suffering over the years with a variety of debilitating tick - borne diseases, not just the universally known and feared Lyme disease.
To establish the relevance of their findings, the team tested blood samples from healthy humans, as well as those with a variety of inflammatory bowel diseases, including Crohn's.
While men are more likely to suffer serious chronic illnesses, such as heart disease and hypertension, as a result of stress, women tend to suffer from a much wider variety of psychological and physical complaints.
Human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs), derived from bone marrow, have become a primary vehicle for efforts to replace or regenerate cells destroyed by a variety of diseases.
Besides kissing bugs, he says, this technique might be used to hijack a variety of other insect disease vectors, from mosquitoes that transmit malaria to deer ticks that transmit Lyme disease.
«Scientifically, she worked on a project that not only revealed an important role for a specific growth factor (VEGF) in the physiology of an ocular structure called the ciliary body but she also demonstrated that there might be unexpected and undesired side effects from a widely used treatment for a variety of ocular diseases.
Faced with a variety of threats, from disease to habitat loss, about half of the world's roughly 7,000 species of amphibian are threatened with extinction — and more than 250 of those species haven't been seen since the turn of this century.
Using genetic data from more than 36,000 people with a variety of autoimmune diseases, researchers found that one genetic variant in the gene that codes for the TYK2 protein...
Using genetic data from more than 36,000 people with a variety of autoimmune diseases, researchers found that one genetic variant in the TYK2 gene protects against a wide range of...
«In principle, one could save people suffering from cutaneous late - stage anthrax infections and maybe treat a variety of other similar diseases,» said Bier.
Mitochondrial defects are often observed in a variety of diseases, including cancer, Alzheimer's disease, and Parkinson's disease, and are the hallmarks of a number of genetic mitochondrial disorders whose manifestations range from muscle weakness to organ failure.
The specimens come from a variety of animal species, including okapi, platypus, and sloth, and are embedded in paraffine wax as soon as they arrive to the lab, where scientists study them to help vets diagnose and treat eye diseases.
They have the opportunity to be exposed to a wide variety of clinical and patient - oriented research, from Phase I, II, and III trials to collection of samples and clinical data used to identify genetic variation that leads to human disease.
After using the latest genome sequencing technologies to understand how rust fungi adapt to overcome resistance in crop varieties, scientists from the University of Minnesota, the USDA - ARS Cereal Disease Laboratory, the Australian National University, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) and the University of Sydney are releasing results with two publications in mBio, a journal by the American Society of Microbiology.
If so, preventing viral proteins from destroying Smc5 / 6 may be a useful strategy to prevent a variety of diseases which adversely affect the health of millions of people worldwide.
It already has 20 scientists from disparate disciplines working together to apply a variety of computational and experimental tools to the study of human health and disease.
While information about a potential outbreak typically goes from a physician, to a county level health office, to a state office and ultimately the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), strives to discover outbreaks more quickly by drawing information from a variety of sources.
Researchers report in Nature today that they have perfected a way to manufacture monoclonal antibodies capable of destroying diseases such the avian flu, which have the ability to swap genes with human flu varieties and jump from birds to people.
This means the Nottingham group can transfer these tiny bits of genetic information from the wild relatives into wheat on a large scale creating a step change in the search for new varieties of wheat that will cope with disease and climate change and help feed a growing population.
While doctors, nutritionists and researchers have known for a long time that saturated fats contribute to some of the leading causes of death in the United States, they haven't been able to determine how or why excess saturated fats, such as those released from lard, are toxic to cells and cause a wide variety of lipid - related diseases, while unsaturated fats, such as those from fish and olive oil, can be protective.
People have realized that in order to better diagnose diseases like cancer, he says, you need information from a variety of sources, whether it's fluorescence imaging, optical imaging or biochemical markers.
A team of biologists from San Diego State University has developed a platform for identifying drugs that could prove to be effective against a variety of viral diseases.
Lead author Daniela Bellincampi from Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy, said: «Breeding disease - resistant varieties of durum wheat is probably the best economic and ecological strategy for fighting this invasive and destructive disease.
In reality, those diseases are probably caused by a wide variety of extremely rare mutations that vary from one person to the next, complicating efforts to understand and treat them at the genetic level.
He and his colleagues spent the next decade crossing thousands of strains of wheat from across the globe, ultimately developing a high - yielding, disease resistant variety.
This similarity suggests that researchers should target the underlying process in the different varieties of the disease, he says, for example by developing a drug to prevent dystrophin from breaking down.
Being able to make particles in a variety of shapes out of any organic material could, for example, allow a person suffering from rheumatoid arthritis or Crohn's disease to get their medication in a single injection rather than via a two - hour intravenous infusion of Remicade.
The review reports that liver transplantation is the most effective treatment for many patients with end - stage liver disease and irreversible hepatic failure resulting from a variety of causes, including hepatocellular carcinoma.
The study is the first to identify a possible link between high levels of psychological distress and deaths resulting from a variety of liver diseases.
Furthermore, CD47 is known to be a key regulator of tissue homeostasis, and is also involved in a variety of diseases ranging from atherosclerosis to cancer.
Conclusions: The identification of gene expression alterations as a function of hypoxia and recovery from hypoxia is important to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying retinal dysfunction associated with a variety of diseases.
The UChicago Medicine pancreatic disease care team includes physicians from a variety of specialties, including gastroenterology, interventional endoscopy, surgery, oncology, radiology, pathology, pain management and genetics.
This approach is now being used to derive embryonic stem cells from a variety of strains including disease models from which in vitro tools are in demand, including mouse models of Alzheimer's disease, cytogenetic disorders (Turner's syndrome and Down syndrome), and tool strains for systems genetics.
NYSCF partners with a broad range of institutions, foundations, centers and companies in a variety of ways ranging from the creation of fundamental research resources such as iPSC lines for a disease area to developing human disease models in vitro to enable drug discovery and toxicity testing.
Technology such as high - yielding wheat varieties that tolerate drought and high temperatures, as well as resisting new or modified strains of deadly crop diseases spawned in rapidly warming environments, are the outputs from WHEAT research that lead to positive outcomes for farmers and consumers.
They do not appear to live any longer than the rest of us, which is a caution for anyone extrapolating effects from mice, and have a variety of medical issues associated with their form of dwarfism, but may be resistant to some forms of age - related disease.
Experts said that Disease X may emerge from a variety of sources and may strike anytime.
The human immune system is highly evolved to protect us from illness, yet it still falls prey to a wide variety of infectious diseases, among them the leading causes of death and disability around the world.
From a public health perspective, aging is also the critical risk factor for a variety of human pathologies, including neurodegenerative diseases, many forms of cancer and metabolic disease.
Mitochondrial defects are often observed in a variety of diseases, including cancer, Alzheimer's disease, and Parkinson's disease, and are the hallmarks of a number of untreatable genetic mitochondrial disorders whose manifestations range from muscle weakness to organ failure.
To date, she has analyzed 120 terabytes of data from more than 2,000 people in 8 countries, with a variety of diseases, in an attempt to identify the bacteria and their genes that affect inflammation and the immune system.
Along with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other organizations around the world, the ASBMB is observing Tuberculosis Day 2018 by sharing research news from scientists expanding our understanding of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and a variety of perspectives on how the pathogen continues to affect our world.
Mathias Nielsen, an assistant professor of political science at Denmark's Aarhus University, led the research team, who analyzed records of medical studies on a variety of global diseases gathered from several online databases.
From January to April, keep your eyes peeled for blood oranges, a darker - hued winter variety of the citrus that contains a full day's worth of vitamin C as well as high levels of the disease - fighting antioxidant anthocyanin.
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