Sentences with phrase «variety of peppers»

Six - pack cells in plastic trays are by far the easiest and most space - effective containers to use when growing large quantities of many varieties of peppers.
Is there a source for information regarding amounts of sunlight different varieties of peppers need?
Hello, Is there a source for information regarding amounts of sunlight different varieties of peppers need?
There are lots of fantastic varieties of peppers available to choose from.
The best is that which is made from the greatest variety of peppers.
Use as many and whatever variety of peppers that you please.
I'm growing 30 + varieties of peppers this year in my container garden.
Besides the Piper nigrum there are many varieties of pepper in use among the natives of the countries where they grow; of these, that best known to us is called Cayenne pepper.
Peppadews are a variably spicy - sweet variety of pepper with fiery seeds.
The problem arises when you realise that different varieties of pepper plants can pollinate each other - taking one chromosome from the mother plant, and one from a father plant.
Pepperoncini: (pepper - on - chee - nee) A mild variety of peppers similar to bell peppers, they are also known as Tuscan peppers, Sweet Italian peppers, or Golden Greek peppers.
The trend isn't going anywhere, but consumer tastes are evolving and shifting to more complex flavor combinations and a wider variety of peppers, according to Technomic's «2015 Flavor Consumer Trend Report.»
On the other hand, dried beans are available at any time of the year, and since beans are ancient food just like peppers, even traditionally used together, we started to collect and demonstrate their enormous variety of pepper's old pals.»
Meet the King Naga, the largest of the Naga variety of peppers.
Recent research by scientists and the USDA in South Carolina has created a stir in the field of chili peppers because they have been able to develop a few varieties of pepper with this resistance, making farming much more productive.
The specialty sauce market onslaught had not yet fully begun in earnest, however, as early as 1991 there were indications that burgeoning varieties of pepper - infused sauces had begun to populate American grocery shelves.
I have about 25 varieties of peppers ranging from Jalapenos all the way to Bhut Jolokias.
-- Wes Wes: I am beginning to believe that generally speaking, the Chocolate Habaneros are probably the hottest variety of any pepper that has been tested consistently.
In the association, a plant breeder responsible for developing a specific variety of pepper or other crop produces small quantities of Breeder Seed.
Ricardo collected seeds from twenty - two varieties of Panama peppers being grown on two small plots in Limón and planted them on sites all around the country — isolated, of course, from other varieties of peppers.
Occasionally, however, I'll run across references to ancho as its own variety of pepper.
Superhot varieties of peppers are gaining in popularity and making a space for themselves in the hot pepper market along with their popular pepper cousins, the jalapeño, serrano and habañero.
If your aim is to produce a completely new variety of pepper, the trick is to keep growing it, year after year, picking the plants and pods that show the characteristics that you want.
there are many varieties of pepper in use among the natives of the countries where they grow; of these, that best known to us is called Cayenne pepper.
Dick Worth, who grows eighteen varieties of peppers in Dauberville, Pennsylvania (Zone 6), says that a head start is the best strategy for gardening in cooler climates.
Hungarian paprika is ground from milder varieties of peppers or capsicum annium.
It can have a wide variety of ingredients, but often contains turmeric, coriander, cumin, cinnamon, mustard powder, cayenne, ginger, garlic, nutmeg, fenugreek and a wide variety of peppers.
The flavor and character of 100 % agave reposado tequila from Tequila, Jalisco, Mexico is infused with the oils of six different varieties of pepper to provide a rare sweet and spicy taste experience.
Richard Lignon, in his History of the Barbadoes (1647), described the two varieties of peppers he found on the island: «The one so like a child's corall, as not to be discerned at the distance of two paces, a crimson and scarlett mixt; the fruit about three inches long and shines more than the best pollisht corall.
Color and flavor are determined by the variety of the pepper plant and the stage of ripeness when picked.
At the Dapperplein store, you will find a variety of peppers.
Three varieties of pepper are recommended, but it works just fine using only coarsely crushed black peppercorns.
Each variety of pepper has its own set of aromatic substances that give it a unique flavor.
Three varieties of pepper are recommended, but it works just fine with just coarsely crushed black peppercorns.
«Another variety of pepper (Capsicum annuum) bearing a larger red and yellow pod is also cultivated, but the produce from this is all consumed locally.»
This easy pasta recipe is flavored with a variety of peppers and sweet onions that's sure to have you coming back for seconds, or maybe even thirds.
I live in Houston, Texas, so I had no problem finding all of the variety of peppers.
After choosing the varieties of peppers to plant, along with accompanying plants, the gardener must next plan the garden.
Sincerely, Bernie deBuhr A. Hello Bernie: Many varieties of peppers are «paprika.»
Photos by Harald Zoschke After choosing the varieties of peppers to plant, along with accompanying plants, the...
Although jalapeños are the most popular chile for smoking, many people have started to smoke dry a variety of peppers including habaneros, serranos, and even yellow wax varieties.
Many varieties of peppers are «paprika.»
The farm grows a variety of peppers for seed companies and has experimental plots such as tabasco peppers for the McElhenny Company, producers of Tabasco Sauce, with whom Cervantes has a long standing relationship.
Hi Dave, I've grown more than 1,000 varieties of peppers in the last 25 plus years.
A shower of herbs and shredded red cabbage add crisp texture and flavor, while a variety of peppers and dried fruit add heat and sweetness.
To establish that a variety of pepper is consistently the world's hottest, you need more than that.»
The nightshades family of vegetables includes all varieties of peppers and their spices (like paprika, chili), eggplant, tomatoes, potatoes, tobacco and even super-food goji berries.
A variety of peppers, oranges, onions, apples, melons, tomatoes, strawberries, turnips, pears, lemons, kiwis, and radishes cleverly depict the many human feelings and emotions we experience each day.
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