Sentences with phrase «various anime»

The phrase "various anime" means different or multiple animated shows or movies from Japan. Full definition
I pretty much have a vast knowledge of various anime genre, so I am game to watch new shows.
When I'm not hunting or helping out around the farm I enjoy various anime shows.
Not only was the food quite enjoyable, if very expensive, but the bar was brimming with Cosplayers and it was a pleasure to drink in the sight of various anime characters eating lunch or having a pint.
Yes, characters from every possible series known to man, from Mario to Link to even the likes of Master Chief and characters from various anime series.
Super Robot Wars Z is the final PlayStation 2 game in the series and unlike the Original Generation (or OG) games, Z is very much a continuation of the premise where disparate mecha from various anime series effectively high five for the win.
When he's not playing online games, he's designing costumes for various anime characters or playing with his pet snake, Gidget.
I love watching anime, last year I've watched over 250 seasons of various animes.
While the game features a cast of characters from various anime and manga series», SEGA fans will be interested in the Sonic the Hedgehog stage (see above).
I am a trial nerd so after Harry Potter comes Dr Who, various animes and the occasional bad sci - fi movie for a laugh.
I'm a huge geek, with a love of various anime, DC / Marvel comics, and video games.
For nearly a decade, Sword Art Online has amassed a loyal following of fans with its various anime, manga, and video game spin - offs.
For every conversation where I was a jerk for having some small part of my brain thinking these were inferior geeks there was half - a-dozen conversations where I encountered people who had begun reading comics because of Marvel's Avengers movie, and were now into doing cosplay, checking out various anime that folk had recommended and were visiting the Con to check out smaller, independent comics.
(50/50 when it comes to the various anime I watch.)
This is not to say the game can't stand on its own merits but that it was always meant to be subservient to the various anime licenses the game almost tearfully champions.
I am the CEO of Monaca, Inc. and currently work as a composer of background music («BGM») of video games and various anime.
Oh sure, he's been in a lightgun esque game in the form of Yoshi's Safari, Mario + Rabbids has gun style weapons and the various anime adaptations sometimes have realistic firearms in them:
Illustrator and competitive Smash 4 player who specializes in cute anime style fan art of various anime and games.
collection primarily resided within the realms of Fate / Grand Order, but among their various anime collectibles was a lone figure of Odin Sphere Leifthrasir «s fairy, Mercedes.
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