Sentences with phrase «various body organs»

Talking about the microscopic anatomy, it involves the use of optical instruments to study the tissues of various body organs.
The adult dog is quite easy to feed since you only need to sustain the optimal functioning of its various body organ systems.

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The human body is not just an object, nor are its various organs right down to the cells that compose it.
There are places where he resorts to the imagery of myth and speaks of Christ as if he were living an unseen life with God in a heavenly realm above, from which he would descend to appear on the earth at the imminent end - time.38 At other times Paul could speak of the church as the body of Christ, of which the Christian believers formed «the limbs and organs».39 He exhorted the Galatians to «put on Christ as a garment», 40 he said to the Romans, «Let Christ Jesus himself be the armor that you wear», 41 and he told the Galatians how he was in travail until they «took the shape of Christ».42 In various ways Paul spoke of the risen Christ as an indwelling presence in the believer, the most moving passage being his own testimony, I have been crucified with Christ; the life I now live is not my life, but the life which Christ lives in me; and my present bodily life is lived by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself up for me.»
Indeed, it is only modern physiology that has fully identified the various organs or sub-systems which exist within the human body.
Bodies and their various organs are the necessary primary receptors of the multifarious influences conveyed by signs qua possibilities, for that is what signs come down to.13 And signs in general have the power to arouse concrete feelings in embodied subjects; such as, for instance, the «qualitative feels» in conscious experiences.14
Learn about our bodies with felt, cut out some various colors to match internal organs and bones.
Water helps cushion organs, help mom from feeling dehydrated, keeps skin glowing, and regulates the body's various organ systems.
They line various body cavities that are exposed to the external environment and internal organs.
One likely reason for this is that animals undergo cellular differentiation; human life begins as a single cell that differentiates into the various cell types needed for different organs, body parts, blood, the immune system, etc..
They differ most obviously from their spider and scorpion relatives in three ways: their massive two - segmented jaws, which can be up to one - third of their body length and are armed with teeth and spine - like and horn - like processes of various sizes; the flagellum, found on the jaws of adult males in most species and thought to play a major role in reproduction; and the malleoli, racquet - shaped sensory organs on the underside of the first segment of the last pair of legs.
Neurocutaneous disorders are caused by abnormal development of cells in the embryonic stage, leading to tumors in various parts of the body, including the skin, organs, bones, brain and spinal cord.
The communication between the cells of a body in the various organs is an essential prerequisite for the existence of multicellular organisms.
This organ, which in people is about the size of a pea, sits at the base of the brain, where it secretes hormones that regulate various processes throughout the body.
One of the most serious classifications of this disease is known as diffuse scleroderma wherein the «sclerosis» (hardening of the tissue) occurs in the internal systems of the body, causing damage and widespread scarring to the skin as well as to various internal organs such as the lungs, kidneys, heart and gastrointestinal organs.
Izpisua Belmonte and colleagues published work in the journal Nature last year reporting that they had been able to integrate human stem cells into early - stage mouse embryos so that the human stem cells began the first stages of differentiation — they appeared to begin the process of generating precursors of the body's various tissues and organs.
Previous research had shown that if cells are grown in a medium called Matrigel — firm enough to support cells above a dish's flat surface and pliable enough for cells to reshape as they grow and multiply — cells are able to develop in three dimensions as they would in the body, assuming the various shapes, layers, compartments and relationships within a particular organ.
We look at the tongue to measure various factors; we look to see the shape, quality, texture, coating, and color of the tongue because of its many relationships and connections in the body and the internal organs.
In their laboratory they use genomic, genetic and biochemical approach to identify the genes which fall under circadian rhythm regulation in various organs in our body and to delve into what goes on behind that regulation.
Persistent leaky gut ramps up these immune complexes; they circulate around your body and deposit into various tissues and organs including — you guessed it — skeletal muscles and joints, creating more inflammation.
The Internet is full of questionable information about the body and how to care for its various systems and organs — and the lymph system is no exception.
Armed with this information, a treatment protocol of the Microsystems body points are mapped to correspond with the various organs and energy fields of the body.
The various types of proteins are used to make the cells in every organ in the body.
These organs activate vitamin D and prepare it to be used for its various functions in the body.
These amino acids can be reassembled in the body by various mechanisms into tissues, organs, enzymes and a host of other protein based components.
I use juicing for a different reason — to give my body maximum nutrition in between meals which can benefit various organs in the body since they go immediately into the bloodstream and bypass digestion.
Kuhne demonstrated through his doctrine of the Unity of Diseases that the origin of all disease is a lifelong accumulation of waste matter and toxins in the body, either inherited or acquired, which manifests in various organs, depending on heredity or genes.
These elements are all very much needed for the proper functioning of various organs in the body.
By stretching, twisting, flexing and bending in various postures, the oxygenated blood flows through the internal organs of the body.
«My argument is that the three classic areas of neuroscience, endocrinology, and immunology, with their various organs — the brain (which is the key organ that the neuroscientists study), the glands, and the immune system (consisting of the spleen, the bone marrow, the lymph nodes, and of course the cells circulating throughout the body)-- that these three areas are actually joined to each other in a bidirectional network of communication and that the information «carriers» are the neuropeptides.»
Protein is essential for building and maintaining the various tissues and organs of your body.
The circulatory system will then over time begin to store these toxins into various parts of the body, including other organs, the connective tissues and even the muscles where they are stored to prevent major organ damage.
Since it is the largest organ of the body, the skin is exposed to various conditions that may affect your overall health.
Going on a Herbal Detox is great if you want to remove harmful toxins from your body and also to strengthen your immune system.A Herbal Detox has the ability to stimulate various organs in the...
Once in the bloodstream, lipoprotein particles circulate within the body, delivering lipids to various organs for subsequent oxidation, metabolism, or storage in adipose tissue [4,5].
Fat acts as a natural, built - in shock absorber, cushioning the body and its various parts from the wear and tear of training, and helps prevent organs from sinking due to the downward pull of gravity.
Hormones are chemical messengers produced by various organs and tissues, which help regulate many functions of the human body.
You are forcing your body to expel chemicals and toxins that have otherwise been safely sequestered away in various organs for (usually) quite some time.
Popular for its wonderful benefits, this pose works amazingly for various organs of the body and prevents it from a number of diseases and disorders.
Once the hormones are in the bloodstream, they are then transported to various parts of the body, such as organs, to perform certain functions that assists with the normal functioning of these organs, tissue and other body parts.
In a healthy person, an exquisitely choreographed ballet is constantly in motion between the various hormone organs in our bodies.
These hormones are produced in various glands and organs throughout the body, such as your pituitary gland, thyroid, adrenal glands, pancreas, and ovaries (or testicles in men).
Having extra sugar in your body can be damaging to various organs, and can also increase your risk for diabetes.
The reason is because liver cleansing, parasite cleansing and kidney flushes all remove toxins from our body from various organs.
Instead, various specialists who deal with one organ or one system of the body affected are the go - to practitioners for autoimmune diseases.
It has various roles in metabolism and body functions and is essential for the proper function of all cells, tissues, and organs:
A bandha can be initiated in various yoga postures so that certain organs in the body are contracted in order to free or to unlock energy.
Using a «map» of the face, which was divided up into zones, and connected via other energy channels and flow to various vital organs in the body, face readers conducted their examinations.
In the former method, the body is divided into regions, such as the wrist, arm, forearm, etc., whereas in the latter, various organ systems are studied, such as skeleton system, nervous system, etc..
This way, the children will have a better idea of the various organs in our body, their likely diseases as well as ways to overcomes them.
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