Sentences with phrase «various metabolites»

The phrase "various metabolites" refers to different types of chemicals produced by the body during metabolism, which is the process of breaking down substances to create energy. Full definition
Still, biologists need to collect even more data on various metabolites and determine what they do.
Muscle tension can be described by the mechanical tension placed on the muscle during an exercise, muscle damage by the eccentric load causing micro tearing and initiating the inflammatory response, and metabolic stress as a result of the buildup of various metabolites such as lactic acid (3).
Many conventional hepatocyte cells that are transplanted to mice for in vivo testing last for only two or three days, but the drug and its various metabolites might take weeks to metabolize, so toxic effects might not be apparent in such testing.
Phytochemical cocktails may be interacting with multiple regulatory pathways upstream of Nrf2, and their various metabolites may react with different cysteine redox «sensors» on Keap1.
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