Sentences with phrase «various occupational hazards»

Fully knowledgeable of various occupational hazards and adherent to recommended standard safety practices issued by OSHA.

Not exact matches

Sodium polyacrylate: According to various material safety data sheets (documents created by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration that list potential hazards of chemicals in great detail), the sodium polyacrylate in diapers is mild stuff.
• Highly skilled in maintaining a clean job site by handling site preparation activities in sync with provided directions • Demonstrated expertise in setting up forms in which concrete is poured such as walkways, walls and pillars • Exceptionally well - versed in estimating concrete quantities and appropriate mixes of sand and cement • Proven record of efficiently building and erecting various concrete foundations and structures • Proficient in performing activities related to cutting and placing reinforcing wire mesh and handling rough leveling of concrete mixtures • Completely adept at handling fine finishing work by performing floating, troweling and edging duties • Documented success in putting in place standards of safety to minimize work - related accidents and occupational hazards • Deeply familiar with standard methods, materials, tools and equipment used in concrete construction and maintenance • Focused on monitoring the effects of heat, wind and cold on the curing of concrete through the entire process • Hands - on experience of applying sealants and hardening components to cure concrete surfaces and handling waterproofing duties • Qualified to operate equipment such as power vibrators to handle compact concreting duties • Track record of efficiently and accurately directing the casting of concrete to ensure conformance to leveling standards
Profound knowledge of keeping safety precautions at site, keeping occupational hazard at bay and operating various equipment accordingly
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