Sentences with phrase «various opinions»

There are many paths to take, many loaded with pitfalls, and with various opinions on what to do next.
You will hear various opinions about giving raw apple as a finger food.
These questions are being debated across the country with various opinions by different medical experts and researchers.
I've been doing a lot of research on dog foods, sought various opinions from both vets and just other dog owners.
Students can make great use of this website by creating their own distinct ideology, as it provide various opinions on one subject.
There was a lot of room for various opinions and interpretations.
You'd see various opinions on whether how much it matters, but it's a win that finally breaks one statistic.
From there, people seem to form various opinions on their recommendations for meat, gluten, and dairy consumption.
Examples of take down notices will be given and various opinions given on how effective they are as well as why they are useless sometimes.
A site that displays various opinions, insights, reports, etc from a host of talented writers, covering various clubs and leagues.
It will also help you to compare various opinions that could eventually land you the best stroller for your babies.
While, as for emotional health, parents may hold various opinions on how to raise an emotionally healthy child, the points below can give you a good guideline.
She speaks with empathy and warmth and she makes others with various opinions feel welcome, heard and included in conversation and debate.
When searching online for the difference between immigration lawyers and immigration consultants, you'll find various opinions.
You could argue this is because of the way society treats breasts and the fact that I know people will possibly react to it, but you have to account for various opinions.
My first take concerns the votes and authorship of various opinions in Graham.
According to various opinion polls at different times recently, including my one on JustArsenal, there are slightly more AKB's than AOB's in the world, so I am finding it hard to understand why a majority of my commenters (You lot!)
Publishers have offered various opinions on why their games have sold disappointingly on the Wii U, but none of these opinions involve publisher mistakes.
Those familiar with Moe's other books, journal articles, and various opinion pieces will recognize the trademarks: a strong dose of institutional theory, original empirical analysis, crisp writing, and sharp thinking.
There are over 30 extra biblical writings concerning Jesus discovered so far, some debating Christs claims to divinity and others arguing various opinions as regards the empty tomb.
Hayashi: By combining such various opinions, we finalized the participating characters.
You will hear various opinions on carbohydrate recommendations.
He also said, «We allow various opinions among the people; that is, there is freedom to criticize, to express different views, and to advocate theism or atheism (i. e. materialism)».
On this hill met the chief council of Athens, which served as a forum to appraise various opinions being given the people and also as a judicial body.
I think what you mean is an assessment of his performance so far, which I think you should have handled by writing a piece on what you think of him so far.People can then chip in with there various opinions
John Yudkin discusses this point, canvases various opinions to say that almost everyone should be OK with 25 - 35g sugar daily.
Watched a lot and read various opinions on this game.
Even in the last game we gave it our all in adjusting them, but in Super Street Fighter 4 if you felt that they were off from their previous image, we've taken various opinions into account and done what we could.
Despite these repeated debunkings, the myth spread throughout the media in various opinion editorials and stunts throughout 2012.
The editorial boards of both national newspapers, as well as various opinion columnists, have condemned the Law Society's initiative.
There are various opinions about which methods were used to introduce the arsenic, but by the 1970s most researchers believed that the arsenic was there because...
There have been various opinion polls at different times recently about Wenger, with varying results but it is a fact that a majority of my commenters (You lot!)
From increased education spending, to proposed new revenue generation ideas to whether legalizing marijuana is in the state's best interest, state lawmakers representing Western New York districts offered various opinions on the details of the budget proposal revealed Tuesday by Gov. Andrew Cuomo.
I've seen various opinions on polycrylic vs polyurethane on the stained wood surfaces.
Hayashi: By combining such various opinions, we finalized the participating characters.
Mr. Kim also provided various opinions and counseling relating to patent infringement and validity issues in the context of litigation and licensing.
«I know what it means to run a large organization and to try to get various people with various opinions to work together,» said Garry, whose law firm has more than 225 attorneys in 12 offices.
Athanasius puts it succinctly in section two of On the Incarnation «In regard to the making of the universe and the creation of all things there have been various opinions, and each person has propounded the theory that suited his own taste.
That's the reason we share our various opinions here.
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