Sentences with phrase «various polls»

Various polls show that the public supports public school choice and charter schools by about a two - thirds majority, although fewer than half approve of vouchers.
The Ghana Police Service is this morning dispatching hundreds of officers to different parts of the country to provide security at various polling stations in this year's general elections.
The Electoral Commission has banned the use of motorbikes at various polling stations on election day, December 7, 2016.
«I hated that we were ranked so high in various polls early in the season,» Collins said.
The results collated at various polling units until late Saturday evening put governor Willie Obiano of the All Progressives Grand Alliance, APGA, at the forefront ahead of other contenders.
A study by Pickup et al. (2010) explores potential explanations for the polling miss and contrast the results of various polling companies to see whether telephone or internet polls fared better and whether specific polling methodologies (such as adjusting for likelihood to vote) resulted in better predictions.
Early results obtained by Saharareporters from various polling units in Edo State indicate that the incumbent governor, Adams Oshiomhole is maintaining an advantage over his opponents...
This basically CONTRADICTS another CNN post... that many selected Romney because they thought he had the best chance to beat Obama, consistent with various polls!!
In the fall, when Nunes unsuccessfully ran against White for the Democratic district leader seat, a man was arrested for stealing Nunes» campaign posters from various polling sites within southeast Queens.
A week on from that debate, Clinton's lead on Trump in various polls appears to have grown but it is still close (the Real Clear Politics average of national polls gives Clinton a 3.9 point advantage).
Over the past few months, various polls measured Cuomo's lead over Paladino as anywhere from 29 percent to 45 percent, but today's Rasmussen poll of 500 likely voters puts Cuomo up by «only» sixteen points.
Top - 7 social findings of 2018 The top seven rating by was put together from discoveries made through various polls and surveys.
I think CREA has done various polls over the years, as has NAR, I believe, attesting to the «value» a Realtor brings to the table.
The other woman, confessed that she had used the jacket «to vote only twice» at various polling stations and begged for forgiveness.
Voters in New York are upset about the lack of «I Voted» stickers at various polling sites, according to social media.
The LASIEC's boss said the early distribution was to ensure early arrival of the materials to various polling units for a hitch - free election.
I want to emphasise I'm not suggesting any particular «ism» is better or worse, but its a fact that conservatives figure much higher in climate denialism, seen in various polls.
He cited this survey as confirmation that «the economy is on the wrong track,» something that various polls of Americans also reflect.
The following Wikipedia article does a great job of breaking down the various polling data and reflects a very clear shift towards support for gay marriage.
I do pretty much believe the various polls that show Kasich leading Clinton, often significantly, in a head - to - head general election matchup.
If the various polls and surveys on the subject are even partially correct, there are millions of men and women who would unhesitatingly describe themselves as pro — life who also regularly use the contraceptive pill, which is known to act, at least some of the time, as an abortifacient.
He may have some tactical shortcomings, but Bilic is adored by the majority of fans according to various polls, and I find it hard to believe that our board will dispense with his services provided that we don't collapse between now and the end of the season.
She said electoral officers would distribute the materials to the Presiding Officers in the various councils who would deploy them to the various polling units.
The meeting was prior to their deployment to the various polling centres in the country.
Voting is progressing steadily at the various polling stations across the country in the ongoing presidential and parliamentary elections, according to the Coalition of Domestic Election Observers (CODEO).
The party's campaign chairman, Peter Mac - Manu said that the additions, if carried out will cause disturbances at the various polling stations.
The Commission has also instructed the security personnel to block access routes to persons who intend using motorbikes at the various polling stations.
Various polls have shown that the Tories will struggle to win any of these and, in the wake of Cleggmania, it's possible that the Lib Dems will even start to make gains from Cameron.
According to the statement, the appointment of polling unit representatives and mobilization for the recall is tobe completed in the next two weeks, «and by August 1st 2017, we shall begin the recall process properly by presenting the recall register to the public for collection of signatures at the various polling units.»
The NPP, in the statement, also announced that it has opened nominations for persons wishing to contest the various polling station positions in the party.
The voting has been concluded and the LASIEC officials have begun the counting and the results were announced immediately at the various polling booths.
Some provisional results have begun trickling in from the various polling stations across the country after polls closed at 5:00 pm.
It is time for Cuomo to campaign on his record, not his bank account,» said Hawkins, who is polling third in the various polls.
He called on party supporters to remain vigilant on election day, and police the various polling stations to ensure that thugs do not tamper with the electoral process.
Meanwhile electoral materials are being dispatch from the police stations where they were kept to the various polling cnetres.
Ghanaians are ready to protect the ballot at the various polling stations and we the NPP are steady and ready to lead the people on this charge for change».
Various polls have him registering a higher disapproval rating than at any point during his time in office.
He said the party is greatly concerned about the activities at the various polling centres and they are leaving no stone unturned to ensure that party agents are properly resourced during the elections.
The Western Regional Police Commander, Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCOP) Akuribah Yaagy, has said the Western Regional Police Command is ready to provide adequate security at the various polling stations in the December 7 Polls.
With barely 24 hours to special voting exercise, Mr Afenyo Markin said the party is yet to be given the list of temporary election staff who are expected to serve at the various polling stations contrary to the electoral laws.
The EC in a statement signed by the Director of Communications of the EC, Eric Dzakpasu, however said the Commission is «fully aware of the challenges some of them [voters] are facing at the various polling stations with the special voters list.»
Senior executives and members of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) across the country on Wednesday continued the awareness creation exercise to get Ghanaians «adopt» various polling stations on elections day.
Collectively, the various tourism - related businesses from Thailand that were named in this year's poll rankings accounted for nearly 70 of the over 200 places up for grabs across the various poll categories.
We actually changed our system to MMP proportional representation because of gerrymandering problems, and after about 20 years the vast majority are happy with MMP according to various polls.
Since the 1980s, various polls have consistently put water quality at the top of the list of environmental concerns of Americans, even as American waters, for the most part, have grown cleaner.
Remember: You can still go back and vote in all of the various polls today, and you can vote today on options to respond to armed conflict; we'll be finalizing the Slate readers» list at the end of the series.
The Public Attitudes to Science survey, carried out by Ipsos Mori on behalf of the UK government, provides the biggest regional breakdown within the various polling archives we could find, splitting the country into 12 government administrative regions.
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