Sentences with phrase «various reconstructions»

The researchers examined various reconstructions of past temperatures and CO2 levels to determine how the climate system has responded to previous changes in its energy balance.
Is it because this might eliminate various reconstruction images that have the best dramatic appearance, and therefore it must be preserved?
I understand that you don't agree with the interpretation that these statisticians have on the results and uncertainties in various reconstructions.
Generally, the various reconstructions show the same long term trends but don't always agree over short periods.
That understanding will be advanced by new and more extensive data collection efforts, improvements to methods used to synthesise that data, and more extensive and collaborative use of climate model simulations over this period — both to understand the forcing / response of the climate, but also to serve as testbed for the various reconstruction methodologies.
[Response: You appear to be misreading Figure 1 of our post which shows the instrumental series in black, and the various reconstructions as coloured curves.
- If the various reconstructions use a common core of proxies, they wouldnt seem to be statistically independent to me - not that I am a statistician.
[UPDATE, 11/17: An editorial writer for The Wall Street Journal has lionized Mr. McIntyre and taken a hatchet to various reconstructions of climate patterns.
Given that the various reconstructions are the same on the important points, it seeems that the major conclusions are robust.
Several people have expressed interest in seeing how the various reconstructions compare to current temperatures (from the instrumental record).
The various reconstructions of BHMF are however discordant both in strength and trend.
With this in mind, in version 0.2 of our article, we propose inserting a new section between Sections 2.1 and 2.2 briefly comparing and contrasting the various reconstruction methods used.
My analysis of the various reconstructions indicates his number of 1 full Watt / m2 increase in TSI in the period of interest is too high, even his first statement on 0.5 W / m2 increase in the period looks high.
Generally, the various reconstructions show the same long term trends but don't always agree over short periods.
The use of different statistical scaling approaches (including whether the data are smoothed prior to scaling, and differences in the period over which this scaling is carried out) also influences the apparent spread between the various reconstructions.
Figure 9 - 3 gives some examples of a hypothetical temperature series and several reconstruction series, where the black line is the actual temperatures and the colored lines are various reconstructions.
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