Sentences with phrase «various sanctions»

Sanctions on Russia, Iran and North Korea — Vote Agreed to (98 - 2) The Senate passed the bill that would codify certain existing sanctions on Russia, including various sanctions tied to Russia's aggression in Ukraine, Moscow's annexation of Crimea, and malicious cyber activities relating to the 2016 U.S. elections.
European Union leaders, too, said they would expand the number of people targeted with various sanctions and indicated they would cancel an EU - Russia summit.
About 28 nations have already sent home more than 140 Russian diplomats in a coordinated response, while the U.S. has introduced various sanctions against Russian oligarchs and political officials in an attempt to hurt the Russian economy.
According to this NY Times article from 2000, many European nations and even America put various sanctions on Austria to prevent Jörg Haider from gaining power there.
An increasing number of schools and districts, including Madison, face various sanctions if the law doesn't change, but a reauthorization of NCLB has been stalled in Congress for years.
Any club that is deemed to have failed to comply with this break - even requirement will be liable to various sanctions.
And they try to hide or manipulate data for the various sanctioning bodies.
If a person lies in such a context, they are subject to various sanctions including obstruction of justice and perjury.
The wide scope of the Libyan sanctions described above is a reminder to a wide range of businesses, not just those in the financial sector, of the importance of sound compliance systems when dealing with the trade in goods or services likely to be affected by the various sanctions regimes now in force in the UK.
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