Sentences with phrase «various support roles»

Groups often help with events, shelter clean up, and various support roles.
In this partnership, the ministry's OFIP team plays various support roles - coach, challenger, facilitator and mobilizer of ideas and knowledge - first to help districts and schools gauge as precisely as possible student needs, and later to put in place the plans to help meet them.
Staying with her acting career, she went on to appear in various supporting roles in independent films, mainstream blockbusters, and TV specials.
The bulk of the movie's emotional heft revolves around these key players, with various supporting roles showing up in the latter half of the film to offer support and their condolences to the shattered man.
I've seen Jemaine Clement in various supporting roles over the years, but never really latched on to him as a performer (I saw not one episode of his «Flight of the Conchords «-RRB-, but he makes for a very appealing sad sack of a leading man.

Not exact matches

In this role, Kim is responsible for firm - wide administration and supports various operational activities.
The platform will take on a different role, solve various problems and be creaking under the weight of the number of different use - cases it supports.
Before joining the Council in 2009, Chantal supported Mr. Manley in various ministerial roles and at McCarthy Tétrault.
I disagree with my Bishop quite often on various topics, but support him in his role as Bishop.
Prior to joining Huddle House, Jenkins spent more than 28 years in the commercial real estate industry, serving in various real estate roles for Advance Auto Parts, McDonald's Corporation, and Panda Restaurant Group, where he supported both corporate and franchise development.
There are various sources for milks that can play a role in providing appropriate nutrition support.
He conceded that the party at this juncture lacks a father figure who could unify the various factions adding, President Kufuor who would have been the right person to play that role has compromised himself with his alleged support for Mr Kyeremanten.
If you are unable to join, you can still play a vital role in supporting your local fire company through various methods and help raise awareness about our community's need,» said Legislator Rath.
Tesla has pledged to create 500 manufacturing jobs at the factory, along with nearly 1,000 other positions in various support, sales and administrative roles in Buffalo.
By describing Kundra as «responsible for setting technology policy across the government,» the president also implied that OSTP would play a complementary role in decisions by his administration involving support for various technologies.
Other strategies that could stimulate women to stay in science are a) various forms of flexibility with federal - grant funding designed to accommodate women with young children keeping these women in the game; b) increasing the value of teaching, service, and administrative experience in the tenure / promotion evaluation process; c) providing on - campus childcare centres; d) supporting requests from partners for shared tenure lines that enable couples to better balance work and personal / caretaking roles; e) stopping the tenure clock for one year per child due to childbearing demands; f) providing fully - paid leave for giving birth for tenure track women for one semester; g) providing equal opportunity for women and men to lead committees and research groups.
According to the Natural Standard Research Collaboration, chia seeds may provide various roles of support for symptoms of many diseases.
Learning Management System features like assessments, polls & surveys, multiple - media support, blended learning, etc. can also play crucial role in learner engagement by delivering a blended mix of various training / learning components.
The role of the ADSIC is to develop and support various government initiatives in the establishment of a modern, efficient, citizencentric e-government platform.
Leaders tell various staff what outcomes are expected and what roles need to be filled, then support them as they find solutions that fit these expectations.
Third, he seems annoyed, in noting the principled case for a federal role in supporting basic ed research, that we didn't list various administration efforts or proposals (like i3 and ARPA - ED).
Projects have included: teacher career pathway programs that diversified roles in the teaching force; teacher career pathways that recognize, develop, and reward excellent teachers as they advance through various career stages; incentives for effective teachers who take on instructional leadership roles within their schools; incentives that attract, support, reward, and retain the most effective teachers and administrators at high - need schools; rigorous, ongoing leadership development training for teacher leaders and principals, leadership roles for teachers aimed at school turnaround; and the creation of new salary structures based on effectiveness.
a) Support collaborative learning opportunities for students to contribute in project teams, assuming various roles and responsibilities that help them work effectively with others.
Most practitioners and growing research supports the idea that districts need to dedicate an office or executive level leader whose role and concomitant authority is to insure that each school receives the various and individualized supports it may require (Center for School Turnaround, 2014; Morando Rhim, 2011; Shea & Liu, 2010).
Additionally, such experiences help the teacher candidates realize that «schools, as professional communities, are made up of numerous persons in various roles: students, parents, administrators, professional and non-professional support staff and other teachers in the schools as well as members of the professional community at large» (p. 659).
In her various roles, including as an school principal, Janet has mentored other school leaders, supervised and supported faculty and staff, provided a climate and culture for school improvement, developed rigorous performance goals, and trained staff to use student achievement data to increase student success and create standards - based classrooms.
Part I presents a description of the organizational structure and general features of the various principal supervisory systems, including the roles, selection, staffing, professional development, and evaluation of principal supervisors, as well as the preparation, selection, support, and evaluation of principals.
In her various roles, including as an school principal, Janet has mentored other school leaders, supervised and supported faculty and staff,...
Volunteers play a valuable and important role on the St Anns Allotments and are vital in supporting the work of STAA and the various community groups on site.
DeVos agreed that the Education Department's Office of Civil Rights (OCR) has a role in helping to ensure that the (yet - unfulfilled) mandate of Brown vs. Board of Education be achieved, and said that if confirmed, she would support OCR in enforcing the various titles of the Civil Rights Act, including investigating and responding to evidence alleging disparate impacts on students.
I keep parents informed about their children's progress at various checkpoints throughout the year; I also clarify to parents that their role is one of support and not of active participation.
James has worked for more than 20 years in various leadership roles supporting child and youth development initiatives.
This includes exploring the various coaching roles through which they can support colleagues with Open Circle meeting implementation and facilitation using a supportive, non-judgmental approach.
Part I presents a description of the organizational structure and general features of the various principal supervisory systems, including the roles, selection, deployment, staffing, professional development, and evaluation of principal supervisors, as well as the preparation, selection, support, and evaluation of principals.
Assume various campus support and leadership roles as needed such as testing coordination, recruitment support, and study trip planning.
Once a principal has a strong understanding of staff and various areas for leadership, it is important that teachers know that they are trusted and supported when they are put in a leadership role.
Although Ohio has yet to define the exact scope of these pilots, part of this work will focus on supporting the state's ongoing efforts to keep highly effective teachers in the classroom while maximizing the impact of their talents through various leadership roles at LEAs.
Andrew helped support the school's launch in various ways throughout the past four years and is now excited to step into a role supporting the collaborative work among teachers, parents, and community members.
My latest role has been working with a variety of startups at various stages of growth to support them in trailblazing and growing their footprint.
Dayna has supported quality learning through her involvement and leadership in state and national organizations, including serving as president of Kansas Staff Development Council (Learning Forward Kansas) and in various leadership roles within Kansas Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development (KASCD).
This DOT Order clarifies the leadership roles and responsibilities of the various offices and OAs within the Department responsible for supporting and overseeing the implementation of the DBE program.
The role of the internal combustion engine within this concept will be a supporting one that takes various forms.
In his current role as part of US Fixed Income Beta solutions, he heads the credit sector team and is responsible for developing, managing, and supporting various types of funds against a variety of conventional and custom bond index strategies.
A volunteer's main role is to support the events team by assisting with live events and various office projects.
With their strong support and magical attacks they are able to conduct various roles during battles.
Given the various roles of the game, which would be: fighter, tank, support, assassin, marksman and mage, the game could be launched with a roster of sixty character starting out.
Mr. Stout is also active in various roles with charitable institutions and non-profit organizations, including the following: President of The Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation (Mandated to fund AIDS and HIV - related medical research, to support photography programs of arts institution); and a member of: Board of Directors, The Robert Mapplethorpe Residential Treatment Facility at Beth Israel Medical Center, New York; Visiting Committee — The Robert Mapplethorpe Laboratory for Medical Research at Harvard Medical School (1990 — 2000); The Whitney Museum of American Art — Photography Committee (1990 to present); The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum — Photography Committee (1994 to present); University of Wisconsin — Chazen Museum of Art Council; and Bard College — Center for Curatorial Studies Board of Governors.
I do think they «aren't needed» to support the assertion that various global warming - related factors have observably played a role in causing, contributing to, and / or greatly exacerbating the destructive effects of recent «extreme weather events».
And in their bookThe Future of the Professions: How Technology Will Transform the Work of Human Experts, Richard and Daniel Susskind highlight a number of new roles that must be filled to support the various new models they propose will come to be for legal services in the coming years.
Alicia has over twenty years of experience in law, including as a Corporate transactional lawyer and, for the last fourteen years, in various Knowledge, Professional Support and Training roles.
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