Sentences with phrase «vary by course»

The cost, location, and schedule of your program may vary by course provider.
Each course requires 3 to 5 hours per week of the teacher's time, with their pay varying by course and the range of roles they fill for their courses.

Not exact matches

But of course it varies by market and agree with you that buying in a good market is best!
That will, of course, vary by location but seniors who intend to buy property in Illinois for their retirement should plan on paying significant taxes on that property.
The ones in english are of course translations that have varying problems of translation, all of which are clearly understood at this point (as the bible is the most studied text on the face of the earth, by orders of magnitude).
But if that is done by the Church's magisterium, it can only be through propositions which are not themselves absolute dogma but serious and valid items of knowledge (in varying degrees, of course, and of very many different kinds), but knowledge which in principle is subject to revision and capable of improvement, and which can be deepened, clarified, given greater discrimination, improved in this or that respect, or even abandoned.
In the beginnings of history it was the forces of nature which were first so reflected and which in the course of further evolution underwent the most manifold and varied personifications among the various peoples... But it is not long before, side by side with the forces of nature, social forces begin to be active — forces which confront man as equally alien and at first equally inexplicable, dominating him with the same apparent natural necessity as the forces of nature themselves.
Of course, the actual practice of Lent varies, being adapted differently by diverse forms of Christianity with elements being added or subtracted given time and place.
Of course, nations of matter and mind vary widely, and there are other possibilities as well, but much philosophy can be illumined by this simple duality.
Of course the sense in which such words may be used to describe the various levels in the world will vary according to the particular level which is under consideration at any given time and by any particular science.
The innovative, culturally diverse concept of Andaz Kitchen & Bar has been introduced by the Chef Consorti, and was inspired by the varied cultures, ingredients and cooking techniques he picked up throughout the course of his global culinary career.
Of course, the heat level can be adjusted by varying the number habaneros used, by increasing the amounts of the other ingredients in the recipes, or by removing the seeds and placental tissue to decrease the heat of the habaneros.
The Dékor Plus holds more diapers than anything else we tested, though of course, actual capacity will vary by diaper size and how well they compact.
It does vary enormously by gestational age, size of course, and, to a lesser extent, by race, maternal age and maternal marital status.
Of course, this will vary by state, judge, and family.
Otherwise, the simulations varied only by three factors: The amount of cloud coverage (which varied over the course of the day), the type of crystal used as the sunstone, and how often mariners consulted them.
MARCI images will also show how the brightness and color of the surface varies from place to place over the course of a martian year, which gives some indication of where dust is eroded from, and deposited by, dust storms and dust devils.
Of course, caffeine tolerance varies by person, but four cups of coffee seems to be within the safe zone for healthy adults.
Of course, keep it varied within your routine by changing up the breakfasts, outfits, and even your mindful minutes.
Requirements will vary by area of concentration and clinic, practicum, or thesis course selections.
The book contains the History of Essential Oils, Olfactory Process, the Limbic System, Absorption through the skin, The Lymphatic System, Methods of extraction, Essential Oil Production and Adulteration, Effective application, Safety Guidelines and Contra - Indications, Glossary of Therapeutic Action, Carrier / Base Oils, Varied Applications, Classification of Plants, Therapeutic Grade essential oils, Chemistry of essential oils, Chemical constituents of some commonly used essential oils, Essential Oil Monographs, Anise to Ylang Ylang, Common conditions aided by Aromatherapy, Compresses, Poultices, Pregnancy, Children / Babies, Fragrant way to Beauty, The Aromatherapy Massage, and finishes with the Aromatherapy Consultation.This book is $ 50.00 when bought separately and independent of a course tuition.
Yoga is the same; by focusing on «quality work» in a few poses each session and varying our selection over the course of the week, we can be sure our bodies are getting the movement they need in a form that's «easily digestible» for us.
The composition of the milk varies somewhat depending on how long since the last feed, and of course it is affected by the mother's diet.
Of course, they vary by style and brand.
The Saratoga Race Course is open every day except Tuesday between July 19 and September 1 [ish — dates may vary slightly by year].
We go through some of the brands that offer extended sizing and showcase some of the best selling and most popular scrub tops and bottoms.Of course, the fit and feel varies by brand.
Nestled in one of the most beautiful places in the world, filmmakers, actors, and attendees alike are drawn to Mill Valley every year by the easy, low - stress atmosphere, the gorgeous surroundings, the varied special events and, of course, the films.
GONYEA: With the taxi driver - obviously, your most famous creation is that character, Travis Bickle, played by, of course, Robert De Niro, but many of your films have - while they have varied in subject matter, in a panel discussion following a screening this week of «First Reformed,» you talked about how you keep returning to, kind of, a version of Travis Bickle's character.
House of Flying Daggers (its title in Chinese the loaded «Ambush from Ten Directions» — essentially an ambush from everywhere) is at its essence an allegory for rape and the Chinese tradition of concubinage that Zhang has already explored to varying degrees in Raise the Red Lantern, Ju Dou, Shanghai Triad, and, of course, Red Sorghum, in which a young woman played by Gong Li (Ziyi's predecessor as Zhang's muse) is saved from rape by a young man with whom she later runs a winery.
Red Dead Redemption 2 will, of course, be populated by a varied assortment of colorful characters and scoundrels whose reactions to you will change depending on context.
As an observation about the nature and limits of syllabi, Labaree's point is not to be denied: syllabi vary in their level of detail, ranging from a schematic account of texts, topics, and course requirements to a week - by - week specification of readings and assignments, along with supplementary readings, grading rubrics and formulas, and lengthy expositions of the perspective of the instructor.
How the effects of postsecondary remedial and developmental courses vary by level of academic preparation (NCPR Working Paper).
This «course choice» paper by the Foundation for Excellence in Education and Education Counsel shows how charters are playing a lead role in making varied, rigorous courses available to more students.
The findings reveal the ways in which per - pupil spending varies by subject and course level.
An article Roza wrote for Education Next, «Breaking Down School Budgets,» looks at how school spending varies by subject and course level.
In the Year 9 English course I teach in, our focus this term is to promote choice and creativity in the current unit of work by varying the options available for students to demonstrate their understanding.
Breaking Down School Budgets: Following the Dollars into the Classroom This analysis by Marguerite Roza published by Education Next in summer 2009 examines ways in which per - pupil spending in high schools varies by subject and course level, and demonstrates how isolating spending on discrete services can 1) identify the relationships...
HarvardX Participation and Completion Rates Vary by Discipline, Study Says Harvard Crimson, 4/6/15 «According to the study, growth in course participation has been steady, with around 1,300 new participants joining a HarvardX or MITx course per day.
By discussing these lessons learned and demonstrating how we followed UDL principles, we hope to empower instructors to vary their approach to course design in order to create courses that are accessible and engaging for all students.
Eleven states have some form of course choice policies, although options available to students vary greatly by state
In this DreamBox lesson, students set up race courses of varying lengths by placing and locating resting points, food booths and other stations at different intervals along the course.
[12] The direction and magnitude of these influences depends, of course, on the test and no doubt varies by state.
Of course, the implementation of the Global strategy varied school by school.
This analysis by Marguerite Roza published by Education Next in summer 2009 examines ways in which per - pupil spending in high schools varies by subject and course level, and demonstrates how isolating spending on discrete services can 1) identify the relationships between priorities, current spending, and outcomes; 2) clarify both relative spending on discrete services and the organizational practices that influence how resources are deployed; and 3) establish the current cost of providing high school services as a necessary precursor to identifying whether there are better ways to provide some services.
Do program effects vary by race / ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, or number of dual enrollment courses taken?
Of course, comparisons are complicated by the fact that rules and regulations establishing charters vary somewhat in the 46 states and the District of Columbia that have decided to enable them to open, as the NAACP's report notes.
If the varied, standard palette of paints and trims miss the mark — we can't see how (see Yellow Tang paint)-- you can always call on the crafts men and women of the «Aston Martin by Q» department, who can add a real unique personal touch to your DB11, at a price of course.
These, of course, also vary by cab size, but a truck build has to start somewhere.
It varies of course, but at some point, the product becomes good enough to make money, and perhaps that doesn't require a standard as high as what has been striven for by the publishers.
Of course these royalty reduction provisions vary from publisher to publisher, both in the amount by which the full royalty is reduced and the points at which those reductions apply — fairness of which can only be judged once the royalty statements arrive.
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