Sentences with phrase «varying estimates»

Scientists are offering widely varying estimates of how much carbon we can emit into the atmosphere without causing dangerous climate change.
The average positive achievement effects are composed of widely varying estimates for individual schools.
The positive results on average are composed of widely varying estimates for individual schools, including some schools that showed large negative effects.
Though, it was far from the only source to report varying estimates of the total loss.
However, the smaller samples led to less statistical power and more varied estimates.
Parents give widely varying estimates on the amount of time that children 12 - 17 years should sit out after a concussion.
There are wildly varied estimates for how many published romance authors are men which makes sense since any who are male use a female pseudonym and are deep under cover.
In wake of #templeshooting in Oak Creek, we have collected information on varying estimates of U.S. #Sikh population: / TbwJOC
Court documents show former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manofort used a fake name for several passports and provided varying estimates for how much money he had.
Even if one can in principle assign implicit prices to in - kind goods and services, in practice pricing the unpriced can be deviously difficult, as can be seen by reading the methods sections of papers in environmental economics as they come up with absurdly varying estimates of how to value an un-dammed river.
Varying estimates concerning the national trend of annual wages for medical assistants exist.
Current research has yielded varying estimates of the number of young people with this disorder; most estimates range from 4 to 10 of every 100 children and adolescents.
As you will soon see, our data is robust enough that even wildly varying estimates for this rate do not appreciably affect our results.
As long as low domestic consumption (currently in the range of 40 - 50 % of GDP, based on varying estimates) continues to constrain demand, Chinese growth is unlikely to pick up speed anytime soon.
Ancient DNA Sheds Light on the Mysterious Origins of the First Scandinavians (Read the article on one page) Historians provide varying estimates for the size of the Great Heathen Army.
Moreover, comparing their findings with old data on how much water the basins can store, the researchers found widely varying estimates on when basins would run 90 % dry — from 10 years to tens of thousands of years, in the case of the northwest Sahara.
There are also the uncounted numbers of animals not included in census figures; they are part of widely varying estimates of feral animals that never make it to shelters, homes, or highways.
COLD SPRING HARBOR, NEW YORK — Even though a draft sequence of the human genome is nearing completion, biologists still have widely varied estimates of how many genes it contains.
The causes of these varying estimates could not be unraveled in detail during the workshop.
For example, varying estimates of the amount of ground water flowing through the rocks at the site were central both to claims that Yucca Mountain was safe and that it should be abandoned.
There are varying estimates, however according to the American Heart Association between 20 million and 39 million people are taking it too.
A lack of agreement on definitions of learning disorders, as well as variation in the procedures that lead to school determinations among states and among individual school districts, lead to widely varying estimates of incidence.
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