Sentences with phrase «varying expectations»

This should also prepare you to deal with diverse readers who may take different ideas away from your resume, and may have varied expectations of you as a trainer.
Each site group operated according to unique norms with varied expectations for the structure of their meetings.
Young scientists should also be prepared to meet varying expectations and practices as they cross disciplines.
Different locations around the world have varying expectations from their employees and this is reflected in the way you write your cover letter as well.
I would imagine most people would read the stories understanding that they are not «official» works and so would have more varied expectations.
I'm doing my best, but contractual issues and varying expectations mean we're in a world where we get super-weird games through NIS America, Aksys and such, but somehow we'll miss out on a Final Fantasy game.
Counseling can vary greatly from counselor to counselor, and with that, there can be a variety of varied expectations then that people going through counseling have.
blended families negotiating the challenges of creating new relationships with varying expectations
With such varied expectations from Bitcoin's future, it's challenging to have a consensus on what Bitcoin's purpose actually is, and by extension, its value.
This is uniquely helpful to queer women, who often have varied expectations and desires.
There should be an integrated suite that can meet the varied expectations of diverse learner profiles.
To cover the varied expectations and usage from sporty customers, New Clio R.S. 200 EDC offers two different chassis:
On the other hand, if we're appealing to those outside our initial niche market, our readers are more likely to have varying expectations, and thus have wildly different levels of satisfaction.
She joked with the same sense of surprise about the Trinidadian Chinese Club as she did about the varied expectations of artists, dealers, and curators in Vienna, Toronto, and Chelsea.
Meanwhile, there are varied expectations about what a USB - C device should do beyond recharging: USB - C pass - through, for instance, or other ports.
I'm skilled at overcoming challenges of varying expectations, perspectives, experience, knowledge, communication styles, and manners of working.
Experience with start - up and corporate companies adapting to the varying expectations in the respective job environment.
Many couples enjoy the opportunity to uncover the varied expectations, spoken and unspoken, they have about each other in preparation for marriage.
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