Sentences with phrase «varying parts»

You have the liberty to adjust your death benefit, and even vary part of your accumulated earnings to cover part of your premium costs.
This joining, adoption, is at least two - way: parents welcome a child with love, hope, joy and expectation mixed in varying parts with fear, disbelief and anxiety.
Granted, we all understand that General Conference is made up of more varied parts than an Indian elephant.
I actually didn't add nutritional info for this recipe because it's a tricky on to figure out since there are so many varying parts that depend on how much you end up using.
CrossFit defines itself as constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensities, and that constantly varied part... it's a lot.
These books won't make you an expert but maybe they will clarify the murk somewhat, allowing you to see varying parts of the Middle East through the eyes of people who live there.
To ensure a memorable stay for the guests visiting Jaipur from varied parts of the world, there are Heritage Hotels.
Other works of note in the exhibition include the photographic emulsion on canvas entitled «Different Strokes» (1970) a photo - painting hybrid of nude bodies in various stages of sexual intercourse, and the film transparency «Kodak Safety Film / Figure Horizon» (1971) in which Heinecken cut and reassembled varying parts of a female nude to make a landscape.
With the addition of more and more services, including research of public wants, needs, fears and hopes as well as follow - up studies of advertising effects on sales, votes, or simple acceptance, the more general term marketing has grown in use to signify all the varied parts of an orchestrated campaign to «move» any entity, from soap to Senators, into a market.
They are the wrenches and machines that build an organism's varied parts, building those parts out of other proteins of many sizes and shapes.
Such as a chicken and either using the varying parts in different ways or roasting it whole and using the bones afterwards in stocks, sauces and stews.
This cottage is ideal for a couple or a family who wish to explore this lovely and varied part of Scotland.
There are many ways to leave notes for all the varying parts of the dungeons, so you won't forget where that thinly - veiled trap is next time you want to lose some health.
Varied part - time options are... more
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