Sentences with phrase «vasopressin which»

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The difference is a protein called the vasopressin receptor, which is ample in the prairie vole but not in the meadow vole.
Vasopressin also increases blood pressure and can cause nausea and vomiting, which may be why many babies throw up after crying for a long time... The baby who cries from physical or even emotional distress in your arms doesn't have that same cortisol rise.
Firstly, it stops the brain releasing an important chemical, called vasopressin, which normally regulates the amount of water in your body.
Research on prairie voles suggests that it's possible to predict which voles will exhibit pair - bonding behavior just by looking for those expressing the gene for AVPR1a, a specific vasopressin receptor.
This region of the hippocampus is associated with vasopressin, a hormone that plays a role in sexual bonding, motivation and other intensely social behaviors, which become impaired in people with the disorder.
Tony and his clientele admit to taking stronger «smart drugs» than those he's selling tonight, drugs such as piracetam (which supposedly boosts levels of acetylcholine in the brain), hydergine and propanolol (both said to work by increasing blood flow through the brain), L - Dopa (a chemical precursor of the neurotransmitter dopamine), phenytoin, vasopressin, deprenyl, the list seems almost endless.
Among the second - generation offspring, one gene linked to nest building stood out — it regulates the hormone vasopressin, which, like oxytocin, has a strong effect on social and bonding behaviors in mammals and birds.
Vasopressin plays a crucial role regulating the body's relative concentration of water versus salt after eating or drinking, which could otherwise dramatically alter the mix.
The dramatic proof came in an experiment in which the researchers were able to make a mouse more caring for females by giving it the vasopressin receptor gene from the prairie vole, well known for being faithful and social.
To see if differences in response to vasopressin accounted for the contrast in personality, the researchers took males from each species and paired them with females, which had been neutered to prevent them from leading on the males.
The two species» genes for the vasopressin receptor — which relays the hormone's message to brain cells — have slightly different «promoters,» the switches that turn genes on and off.
Former orphans also had lower levels of vasopressin in both scenarios, he says, which could help explain why they have difficulty making friends.
So when prairie voles mate, their bodies produce vasopressin, which causes their brains to reward the vole couple with a flood of pleasurable emotions, sealing the social bond.
We are also exploring how intranasal vasopressin, which crosses the blood brain barrier in humans, influences subjective responses to faces in men and women and, through a collaboration with James Rilling at Emory University, how vasopressin modulates brain responses to those stimuli.
As a postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Cori Bargmann's lab at the Rockefeller University, she showed that the nematode C. elegans produces a neuropeptide that is an evolutionary precursor of the mammalian peptides vasopressin and oxytocin, and mapped a neural circuit by which this molecule, nematocin, modulates mating behavior.
In vertebrates, 9 - amino acid containing peptides in the vasopressin / oxytocin family all evolved from a common ancestral molecule, vasotocin, in which a gene mutation gave rise to the mammalian homologue, vasopressin.
We are also characterizing the neural circuits through which vasotocin, the ancestral homologue of vasopressin, promotes context - dependent social withdrawal in male goldfish, as well as the receptor mechanisms that underlie its ability to have different behavioral effects in different social contexts.
In my lab, we explore the molecular, cellular, and behavioral mechanisms through which two types of molecules, sex steroids and neuropeptides in the vasopressin / oxytocin family, act within those circuits to influence social behaviors associated with reproduction.
He added «Studies in the future which alter vasopressin signalling through the eye could lead to developing eye drops to get rid of jet lag, but we are still a long way off from this.»
The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is a region of the brain which co-ordinates the circadian rhythm using many different signalling molecules, including the neurohormone vasopressin.
Orgasms also release vasopressin, which accompanies the release of your neuroprotective hormone melatonin.
At the same time, your kidneys pump up their production of an enzyme called «renin» and a hormone called «aldosterone», which results in formation of a substance known as vasopressin.
However, in love, as attachment and bonding take place a cocktail of chemicals are released which include the calming effects of serotonin, and the bonding hormones oxytocin and vasopressin.
This theory says that, crucially, high testosterone not only drives sex, it suppresses two other significant hormones called oxyctocin (aka the «love hormone») and arginine vasopressin, both of which play an important role in forging attachment between mates.
Crucially, testosterone suppresses two other significant hormones called oxytocin (aka the «love hormone») and arginine vasopressin, both of which play an important role in forging attachment between mates.
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