Sentences with phrase «vast majority of students consider»

The vast majority of students consider writing a thesis to be an unavoidable path to master's degree, such as Master of Philosophy or Doctor of Philosophy.
Writing a ThesisThe vast majority of students consider writing a thesis to be an unavoidable path to master's degree, such as Master of Philosophy or Doctor of Philosophy.

Not exact matches

Consider that the vast majority of students graduating from college this past spring started kindergarten in 1986, two years after the Macintosh was invented.
The massive common core testing, a program designed to fail the vast majority of students is absolutely the definition of insanity and NYSUT's President Karen Magee is absolutely right when she urges parents to consider opting their children out of these Common Core tests.
Considering that the Common Core SBAC test is calibrated to ensure the vast majority of Connecticut students fail, parents should seriously consider protecting their children by opting them out of this incredibly unfair, inappropriate and discriminatory testing madness.
Considering the vast majority of students will graduate from college with s tuden t loan debt, they shouldn't take their debt burden lightly.
Since the vast majority of Kustom villagers had only seen aircraft in flight, discussion of DC - 3 / C - 47 operational details on The New Hebrides Public Talking Drum Network was limited, and since all things considered, senior political and religious figures regarded the non-functional shrubbery aircraft to be good as the real McCoy, the virtual grad students were never compelled to fly one over an active volcano, or subpoenaed for the blueprints.
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