Sentences with phrase «vast number of tools»

Though they do not imply that our current relationships may be made into our idealized images of perfection, he offers a vast number of tools that we can use to better approach the difficulties we encounter.

Not exact matches

This role — part strategist, creative director, technologist and teacher — is now recognized at the highest levels of management as it's squarely at the intersection between traditional marketing and the growing number of software tools used to make sense of companies» vast amounts of data.
(At this point, it's also worth noting that Facebook's claims about the effectiveness of Free Basics as a development tool in India are highly debatable — the vast majority of those who took up the offer were existing Internet users who wanted some free data, and it seems a very small number of genuinely new users actually graduated to the world of paid - for Internet access.
But given the wide variety of good English translations, the vast availability of Greek and Hebrew study tools (both in book and digital format), and the large number of good commentaries that have been written, I expect that knowing Greek and Hebrew is not going to be super beneficial to me personally.
Furthermore, the numbers are more a product of the vast populations of those nations and the tools available for killing than because religious believers would have been more restrained.
Access to those tools and a vast number of upgrades for each unlocks over time as players develop Mother Base and recruit a long list of specialists hidden throughout missions.
With the vast numbers of new books coming onstream, discovery tools are paramount.
For a vast number of people, cards cards are a great tool which comes with some nice benefits.
My favourite feature is the vast number of new items and the new decorating tool!
The scientists are merely useful tools to them, used to get control of the public so they and their friends can enrich themselves via carbon taxes and carbon trading schemes and redistribute your wealth to the poorer countries under the guise of saving the planet (where I'd venture a guess the vast majority will disappear into a numbered bank accounts someplace), all while enriching themselves and attempting what I feel could be a part of an attempt to gain dictatorial power over an entire planet.
From how to host a clothing swap to chronicling how a tool library got started, the emphasis is always on finding ways to unlock the vast resources inside each and every one of us and to stimulate the real economy, not just numbers on a balance sheet.
And so we are able to use technology, we use an online survey tool to survey vast numbers of our clients on a regular basis, and then we use that data to tell us both how to improve a specific individual client relationship as well as how the firm, how the enterprise, can enhance its own skills and create new ways to feed our clients» expectations.
While researching for this article, I came across a vast number of methods for staying focused, including a helpful explainer from Lifehacker and this list of online tools.
Also, the number of tools and vast amount of data can seem daunting, leaving many businesses asking themselves where to begin.
Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter can all be powerful marketing tools to connect with a vast number of people.
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