Sentences with phrase «vast oil reserves at»

There are whole cities, millions of people and of course, vast oil reserves at stake.
Drilling fossils such as oil has faces a number of controversies due to dangerous and extreme environmental effects; and this is what lead to discontinue the pursuit of trapping the vast oil reserve at the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Not exact matches

While vast global coal reserves make this question more neutral with regard to carbon per se, it a more complete socio - politico - economic experiment nonetheless to examine how good we have been at steering the oceanliner of energy policy with regard to foreign oil in the United States, obviously a more simple problem than all fossil fuels together.
At the same time, new domestic energy initiatives deny us drilling for our vast reserves of oil.
Vast quantities of coal — proven to exist — remain in the ground — but not included on the reserve tally because they are not economically recoverable at current prices — in part due to the availability of oil and natural gas.
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