Sentences with phrase «vast scale»

A conservative view recognises the realities of the long time horizons and vast scale of the world's energy systems.
Rather, it is a byproduct of the world's central banks, having intervened on vast scale to deal with the economic travails of the last several years, introducing uncertainty and even a little chaos as they start to contemplate how and when the era of easy money might end.
The authors are correct that «Much of the recent discussion about CDR concerns deployments at vast scales».
The theory of evolution now requires us to suppose a far vaster scale of times, spaces, and numbers than our forefathers ever dreamed the cosmic process to involve.
«These were epic experiments, combining vast scale with delicate sensitivity,» Nobel laureate Frank Wilczek of Massachusetts Institute of Technology told Scientific American.
This is a modest formulation with which to describe landscape photographs of often vast scale and stunning ocular power.
[It] is such an unassuming creation that the deceptively vast scale of its ambition only becomes apparent after several listens.
The changes include not only loss of the Arctic as we know it, with all that implies for wildlife and indigenous peoples, but losses on a much vaster scale due to worldwide rising seas.
Despite the MJO's importance to weather across vast scales, scientists still don't fully understand the basic physics of how it forms and propagates.
So many banks have been caught out money laundering on vast scales and have received vast fines for laundering gray and black money from particularly the drug trade.
Lending on so vast a scale would normally have flooded the banking system with liquid reserves, causing interest rates to fall in turn.
When people are told to stop watering their lawns because of a water shortage, they escalate (in the manner of sports hyperbole) to use the same word, drought, as is used for far more serious conditions, on a far vaster scale and lasting many years — such as the 1930s Dust Bowl or those three Little Ice Age droughts amidst good times in East Africa, lasting 30, 65, and 80 years.
The government requires Chinese firms, and foreign firms with a Chinese presence, such as Apple, to store and hand over data on a vast scale.
This is because of the amount of communication across our network, our ability to quickly reach people worldwide in an emergency, and the vast scale of people's intrinsic goodness aggregated across our community.
For a sense of the vast scale of that wealth, $ 13.2 trillion is enough to buy every one of the 7.6 billion human beings on Earth a 13 - inch MacBook Pro, with a little left over for accessories.
Though market leader Blue Apron and others are still struggling to make meal kits profitable, it's a $ 5 billion business that analysts expect to double by 2020 — and is exactly the kind of inefficient and uncertain market that Amazon likes to wade into with its ability to deploy on a vast scale through multiple channels.
According to The Mail on Sunday, one of its reporters discovered that Google collects personal data «on a vast scale,» with harvested information including internet history even while using incognito mode in browsers, every trip made in the past few years, visited locations, and timestamps for various activities.
It also envisages extensive camera networks and the use of facial - recognition software on a vast scale.
When we learned that the government wisely plans to focus attention on rural development, we rejoiced, but we also feared that this would involve the modernization of agriculture on a vast scale.
The mere suggestion that a rational explanation of creation is possible, and indeed probable in the future, is enough to destroy the tender shoots of faith in immature souls and has done so on a vast scale and not just in atheistic regimes.
The Latins are confronted with poverty on a vaster scale.
I am not convinced by Christopher Shannon's own reading here: Christians qua professing believers in the gospel arrested, exiled, despoiled, enslaved, and killed people on a vast scale, heretofore unknown among them, and, yes, became in many ways consumed with acquisitiveness, but is this really extraneous to the historical effect of their religious witness?
The book is a probing into human evil on a vast scale, demonstrating the power of twisted ideas to wreak monumental horror when ruthlessness is deemed the supreme virtue.
Meanwhile, Parscale and the Trump team built a system to find out what voters actually responded to, then gave it to them on a vast scale.
Parscale wanted them to show him every single feature on their platforms that might help the campaign, and this knowledge helped him build a system to test and target content on a vast scale — basically, Facebook best practices on steroids.
But it's still true that: Parscale worked closely with the Facebook, Google and Twitter embeds, and the Fb team helped him develop a system to plug into Facebook to run a donor acquisition / voter contact scheme on a vast scale.
Looking back at the Trump campaign, Parscale's team famously automated Facebook best practices on a vast scale — on some days, they ran more than 100,000 different ad / ad targeting variations, collecting far more useful data than Cambridge could provide and building their lists at the same time.
President Truman was nervous of such a proactive aid programme and on such a vast scale, but was helped by American public opinion being aroused by what was portrayed as the communist threat.
undergraduate I enjoyed previous post Radical redistribution was practiced on a vast scale in the Soviet union and its satellites as well as in Africa with results that must make you swell with pride.
Keynes clearly offered government intervention on a vast scale; Hayek believed, that if anything, this would make the economic depression actually last longer.
The report comes weeks before the government's comprehensive spending review, which will lay out in detail the vast scale of cuts designed to bring Britain's budget deficit under control.
Mr. Cuomo is optimistic that the moment may be ripe for fundamental change on a vaster scale as he pursues a far more transformative traffic program.
George Osborne's own experts have exposed the vast scale of his cruel new benefit cut funding a tax break for the rich.
The Vast Scale of War When the Great War broke out the scale of it was unprecedented.
Whatever the causes, the vast scale of the new study has revealed distribution patterns that had remained hidden from earlier, smaller studies.
It would also be transforming to have electrical energy storage on a vast scale.
When ecosystems are lost, as they have been through felling of forests and conversion of landscape to agriculture on a vast scale, havoc ensues, triggering human and natural catastrophe on an unprecedented scale.
Astronomers were already aware that galaxies clump together on a vast scale.
Those that do cause problems, however, can do so on a vast scale.
As worries over the vast scale of waste from this plastic has grown, so has the use of purportedly «degradable» forms of it.
The vast scale of the extinction is shown by the fact that two major structural ecosystems disappeared — reefs and forests.
Mr M did suffer such a loss on a vast scale.
So says the World Health Organization, which today proposed a vast scale - up in HIV treatment at the annual International AIDS Society Conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Because of its vast scale, events that would take a fraction of a second in an explosion on Earth are played out over decades in space.
One type of reconstruction — a Humpty Dumpty project on a vast scale — would bring thousands of tons of rubble back together again.
Energy storage is the key to deploying wind and solar energy on a vast scale, but exactly how much of it will be required remains to be seen
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