Sentences with phrase «vast wealth while»

In a society that has vast wealth sufficient to eliminate the suffering and privation of the poor, allowing people who were lucky enough to be born rich to have vast wealth while redistributing none of this unearned societal wealth to those who profoundly need it, is inherently unethical and unjust.
Mr. Corzine and Mr. Flowers worked at Goldman decades ago, and at one point, Mr. Flowers helped manage Mr. Corzine's vast wealth while he was a senator, according to Congressional records.

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Islamic armies, imbued with what Mohammed claimed was divine authorization, imposed Islam by force over vast areas, all the while extorting wealth from subjugated Jews and Christians to fund their ongoing conquests.
At several points he touches upon the paradoxes of modern urbanism and the tragic ironies of our cultural attitude toward cities: although we now have more individual freedom, technical ability, and, arguably, social equity, we do not live in places as hospitable to human beings as were our cities of the past; we are pragmatists who build shoddily; our current obsession with historic preservation is the flip side of our utter lack of confidence in our ability to build well; while cultures with shared ascetic ideals and transcendent orientation built great cities and produced great landscapes, modern culture's expressive ideals, dogmatic public secularism, and privatized religiosity produce for us, even with our vast wealth, only private luxury, a spoiled countryside, and a public realm that is both venal and incoherent; above all, we simultaneously idolize nature and ruin it.
So many good things have come from social media: It enables family and friends to connect despite vast distances, while the rest of ~ The Web ~ opens the door to a wealth of information, job opportunities, and even the potential to help save lives.
Even if you ignore the growing evidence that more equal societies perform better, you can not escape from the fact that increasing absolute poverty while leaving vast swathes of unproductive wealth untouched will only make the recovery that much harder.
Outside of the Gang Hideouts and primary missions there's a vast amount of content to keep you amused, and while each example tends to get very repetitive, the sheer wealth of stuff means you can at least constantly switch between activities in order to keep yourself entertained.
His monumental sculpture U.F.O. (2007) is comprised of brass water utensils fused together in the form of a shiny U.F.O. - like object, suggesting cultural dislocation and otherness, while pointing to vast disparities in wealth across the subcontinent.
The scientists are merely useful tools to them, used to get control of the public so they and their friends can enrich themselves via carbon taxes and carbon trading schemes and redistribute your wealth to the poorer countries under the guise of saving the planet (where I'd venture a guess the vast majority will disappear into a numbered bank accounts someplace), all while enriching themselves and attempting what I feel could be a part of an attempt to gain dictatorial power over an entire planet.
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