Sentences with phrase «vegetables are dangerous for»

Although recommended for us humans, various fruits and vegetables are dangerous for dogs in some cases.

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Organic fruits and vegetables do not contain synthetic chemicals, pesticides and nitrates, which are dangerous for babies under 3 months.
Vegetable oils are dangerous for many reasons, including that they can easily go rancid, they are processed with chemicals, and they can turn in to trans fats when heated.
This is a surprising list of foods for many people, particularly since it contains healthful vegetables, but nightshades contain low - level toxins that are known to cause inflammation for some people, especially those with auto - immune disorders and are dangerous for anyone if consumed in excessive quantities.
Trans fats are dangerous at any level for one of many examples, which is found solely in animal fats (and thanks to the dark side of science, they've been able to emulate these fats by hydrogenating vegetable oils).
Raw broccoli, or any cruciforms vegetable, is NOT dangerous for the thyroid.
While you may read that frying foods in vegetable oils at high heat creates dangerous hidden trans fats, according to Mary Enig, PhD, a lipid researcher for 30 years, author of Know Your Fats and a primary voice for the dangers of trans fats for over a quarter of a century, that's not exactly true.
The only really dangerous fat out there is trans fat (margarine, vegetable oils), which for a long time were touted as the answer to that heart - harming saturated fat.
I wouldn't guess that vegetable juice would be as dangerous as heroin, but for argument's sake you could point that out.
If dogs are omnivores like us, why is the seemingly - harmless root vegetable we love so dangerous for our furry friends?
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