Sentences with phrase «vegetation which»

«Often you say to yourself, «If only I could...» It's like being on a desert island while looking at the tropical island with beautiful flowers and lush vegetation which is very close, but you don't have a boat to get there.
The accumulation of heavy undergrowth and / or vegetation which would impair the health and / or safety of the neighborhood; nor shall they permit any trees, plants or shrubbery, or any portion thereof, to grow on their property which constitute a safety hazard to pedestrian and / or vehicular traffic.
Furnace Creek Ranch / Greenland Ranch is, and has been, an oasis area with a variety of different ground covers, and with an assortment of buildings and vegetation which have significant effects on the local temperature patterns on sunny summer days.
Their eggs provide calcium that supports growth of dune vegetation which is the frontline against hurricane impacts on other inland habitats (where people like to build people their homes).
Within John McAllister's canvases we find bushes, trees, leaves and grasses in motifs reflective of the California vegetation which form the origin of his work.
Also known as Paradise Beach, it is famed for its steep hills covered with vegetation which surround the secluded bay.
The coast here is lined with ancient castles and fortifications, and there's plenty of walking opportunities in the lush vegetation which surrounds the golden sands and blue waters.
The camp is surrounded by lagoon and rich riverine vegetation which heightens your game viewing experience.
Our garden is outlined with indigenous coastal vegetation which makes for a very private setting with unspoilt sea views.
Explore its beautiful tropical vegetation which covers its mountains and shelters hundreds of species of birds, orchids, and wildlife such as the ocelot, the jaguar and the iguana.
This water is also brown in color due to the tannic acid which is given off from the decaying vegetation which has fallen into the blue hole.
But there are several terraces, hidden by vegetation which are beautiful spaces to enjoy a drink and some canapes or a meal at any time.
Females lay their eggs on vegetation which overhangs ponds, where they may be eaten by the cat - eyed snake.
As ancient man surveyed his world, he found himself surrounded on all sides with movement and change, not only in fellow - humans, animals and birds, but in running water, scudding clouds, heavenly bodies traveling across the sky, rising dust - storms, the occasionally quaking earth and the vegetation which sprang up, flowered, fruited and died.

Not exact matches

Google also introduced PlaNet, which identifies where a photo was taken without using geotags — instead relying on landmarks and clues such as types of vegetation, languages on signs, architectural styles, and the side of the road cars are driving on.
Sometimes that money comes from preventative efforts like clearing vegetation and proscriptive fires, which are designed to help control future fires.
Under the agreement a perpetual restrictive covenant has been placed on the 121.7 ha which will require the area to be maintained and managed for its value as native vegetation with improvement of its assessed habitat score from 7/10 to 8/10 over a 20 - year period.
«Let there be light, let there be atmosphere, let there be vegetation, Let there be lights to serve as signs (sun, moon etc), Let the water and sky have living creatures, Let the land have living creatures of which man was the last created then God rested from creation.
The order of creation reads better as spiritual poetry which rings true yet I assume your issue is related to current physical and cosmological order: Let there be light, let there be atmosphere, let there be vegetation, Let there be lights to serve as signs (sun, moon etc), Let the water and sky have living creatures, Let the land have living creatures of which man was the last created then God rested from creation.
It encourages the removal of forests and vegetation, which promotes erosion of soil and demotes the regenerative capacity of the planet.
Elements are introduced which give shape to the shapeless: light into darkness; a domed sky (firmament) dividing waters above from waters below; the earth with its vegetation separated from the waters; the sun, moon and stars to regulate the days, months and seasons.
This was thought by some to be another seasonal myth describing the death and resurrection of the vegetation god, but the myth is not tied to an annual cycle and is much more concerned with the threat of periods of drought and the way to ensure the supply of the lifegiving water on which men, animals and all vegetation alike depend.
Yahweh will make with them a covenant of shalom, which will include the banishment of wild animals, abundant showers, splendid vegetation.
It makes me feel that the term «vegan» is extremely unfortunate and misleading, because the term does not emphasize or even signify respect for animals or living beings or creatures, as it would benefit from doing, but rather uses a derivative form of «vegetable» or «vegetarian», which makes it sound as if the central point is — eating vegetation, i.e. plants, which makes it sound like a diet.
Nigerian climate changes from the north (Sokoto) to the south (Calabar), from Savannah to forest which is reflected in the vegetation and food found in each region.
Eating less meat will free up a lot of agricultural land which can revert to growing trees and other vegetation, which, in turn, will absorb more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
A combination of Commonwealth and New South Wales environmental water has been delivered to the Macquarie River and Macquarie Marshes since 2009 - 10, which has helped to support the inundation of core wetland areas and supported vegetation, fish and waterbirds.
If required, environmental water could be used to increase the length of time water is available in the Marshes which may support insect and frog breeding and vegetation recruitment.
The island is also covered with a dense vegetation of shrubs, brambles, and poison ivy, which make access to and across the island extremely difficult.
Last weekend, the river was taken over by vegetation, caused by a heavy storm, which created a compacted layer over the river.
long cost / benefit analysis, which not only include loss of arable land but rather shifting it further towards pools (in my country, unless there is an awful change in sea currents, one could actually expect longer vegetation season)
Then the trespassers dug out three springs and diverted their flow into half - inch black plastic piping, which they threaded through the cover of vegetation to their network of plots below.
Modifying the vegetation cover alters the surface properties — such as the amount of heat dissipated by water evaporation and the level of radiation reflected back into space — which has a knock - on effect on local surface temperature.
Ballantyne's team estimated the temperature of the period at which the peat formed by measuring various things that are affected by temperature, including isotopes in tree rings and the amount of fossilised vegetation.
Determining the rate of old carbon release from permafrost had been a challenge for researchers, since vegetation that grows in thawed permafrost in forest and tundra systems releases its own modern organic carbon into soils, which readily decomposes and dilutes the «old carbon» signal from thawing permafrost soils.
Kupalo, which measures 16 miles (26 kilometers) across and is located at southern mid-latitudes, is named for the Slavic god of vegetation and harvest.
«This provides us with a comprehensive three - dimensional digital model of the landscape, which enables a precise analysis of the vegetation structure,» says Jussi Baade, associate professor of Physical Geography at the University of Jena.
Arid lands, which cover some 40 percent of Earth's terrestrial surface, are too dry to sustain much in the way of vegetation.
The monsoon system supplies moisture to the Indian subcontinent, which is important for the human population and vegetation in the region, as well as marine ecosystem in the surrounding seas.
Topsoil and natural vegetation would ordinarily filter many of these pollutants out, but the impermeable pavement that covers much of the surface where these pollutants originate carries it right into storm drains and into streams, rivers, lakes and the ocean where it can poison marine life — which we might eat — as well as entire riparian or coastal ecosystems.
Simply touching or shaking a plant is often enough to reduce its growth, which is why vegetation in windswept locations tends to be stunted.
«Many old boreal forests tend to be underlain by permafrost soils, which can contain many times more carbon than that stored in the vegetation,» Euskirchen notes.
Decomposing submerged vegetation burps methane — a greenhouse gas which traps 25 times as much heat as CO2 over a century.
With more rainfall, vegetation increases, which then fuels rodent populations.
Pinyon jay: flight to nowhere Johnson and his team used climate models to study the relationship between each target species and the vegetation it uses for food resources, which is affected by shifts in temperature and precipitation.
A first - of - its - kind study led by researchers at the University of Florida shows that the dramatic loss of elephants, which disperse seeds after eating vegetation, is leading to the local extinction of a dominant tree species, with likely cascading effects for other forest life.
Beginning in the 1920s, Tansley published a number of texts on plant biology, including his 1939 work, «The British Islands and their Vegetationwhich provided a comprehensive survey of Britain's native flora.
He then put it all together in a book, The Vegetation of Wisconsin, which established a benchmark.
Second, the vegetation surrounding a bower and hence the light conditions do not appear to influence which objects males choose.
«If the vegetation is more clumped... they'll end up on the same food plant, which means they'll contact each other and cause each other to change» into social insects, Simpson says.
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