Sentences with phrase «veggies have thyroid»

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if you have thyroid issues, many endocrinologists will suggest you limit eating those greens raw — along with cruciferous veggies such as cauliflower and broccoli.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I've learned that kale, collards, turnip, mustard, and beet greens, Chinese cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and other cruciferous veggies all contain goitrogen and a lot of people are being frustrated trying to eat kale that is raw or microwaved, pan or oven fried, and not boiled 30 minutes in copious amounts of water to get rid of the offending substance, which blocks their trying to lose weight, even though they are exercising and dieting by messing up their thyroid metabolism..
However, a decade of both animal and human studies have shown that cruciferous veggies do not negatively impact thyroid function EXCEPT in the case of a documented iodine deficiency.
For example, you may have heard some of the research in the past that «goitrogenic» veggies (such as cruciferious veggies in the RAW form) can actually worsen Thyroid problems in many people.
Also... if all else fails, have the doctor check her thyroid, and if it's possible, try an autoimmune protocol Whole 30 to see if she's reacting to certain veggies, nuts, etc..
I have been reading that the cruciferous veggies should not be eaten raw but when heated, do not affect the thyroid negatively.
Iodine: sea veggies (think kelp, dulse, nori, wakame), shellfish, salmon and sardines (note: if you have an autoimmune thyroid condition, please be aware that too much iodine may aggravate the issue, so please go steady)
I've also read that cruciferous veggies, whilst very healthy, are considered goitrogens and can be harmful to the thyroid if taken frequently, this will counteractive the balancing of hormones which is tied to retaining hair.
As someone with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, I have read that raw kale and other raw cruciferous veggies can have goitrogenic effects on the thyroid (the ability to cause a goiter and slow down the thyroid, much like anti-thyroid drugs do), and can even affect the absorption of synthetic thyroid hormone medicaiton.
My partners at PaleoHacks have an article here about 11 Goitrogenic foods that can impact your Thyroid health (most of them are certain types of veggies) and exactly what to look for, so I won't go into any more detail on that in this article.
We have been juicing spinach and other cruciferous veggies for many decades, with no goiter abnormalities with our thyroid whatsoever.
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