Sentences with phrase «vehicle designers»

This improves fuel economy and enables vehicle designers to reduce engine size without sacrificing performance.
Both Ruina and Papadopoulos believe the bricycle demonstration will help narrow - track vehicle designers avoid wasting time working on a «neutral balance» for their machines.
Many of the vehicles in «Motorcity» are the creation of vehicle designer Brandon Cuellar.
And their compact dimensions could provide vehicle designers with some desirable powertrain packaging options.
Vehicle designers are well - trained — and well - paid — to craft beautiful, stylish, and distinctive exteriors.
I followed the advice of Nick Smart, the developer, and checked out the tutorial video first, but my first few hours with the game mostly consisted of playing tutorial missions and messing about in the vehicle designer.
The vision portrayed above is ambitious, but we believe it is achievable in the coming decade if all the key actors in the VTOL ecosystem — regulators, vehicle designers, communities, cities, and network operators — collaborate effectively.
A Guide to Automotive Product Liability Cases If you or a loved one have been injured in a car accident, you may be wondering if the vehicle designer or manufacturer is to blame.
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