Sentences with phrase «vehicle efficiency standards»

Federal vehicle efficiency standards save money for families in every state.
In addition to the lead phase - out a well - planned and sustained effort to raise average vehicle efficiency standards (the CAFE, or Corporate Average Fuel Economy) increased vehicle mileage standards by a quarter.
Until long - term shifts in relevant policies — like stricter vehicle efficiency standards — more deeply curtail oil demand in the United States, the lack of pipeline capacity will continue to increase train transport of fuel from North American oil fields.
AUTOMOTIVE: • A look at how federal auto standards have improved vehicle efficiency for different models of gas - powered pickup trucks, sedans and S.U.V.s (New York Times) • Automakers say they care about climate change, but they're also pushing for weaker vehicle efficiency standards.
Once in office however, President Obama moved aggressively on much needed vehicle efficiency standards that have clearly put the U.S. on course to reduce oil consumption.
Tell Pruitt to stop attacking vehicle efficiency standards that reduce pollution, save us money and drive forward technology and innovation like EVs.
Taxing transportation fuels stimulates the greatest reductions in oil consumption and CO2 emissions and is a necessary complement to strong vehicle efficiency standards.
Rebuttal: Standards and subsidies are blunt instruments — vehicle efficiency standards don't reduce vehicle usage, for example — and are often contested for years and then undermined by «gaming» (viz., the «light trucks» exemption from CAFE standards, or tax credits for hybrid SUV's).
The Trump administration is reportedly launching a rollback of vehicle efficiency standards that greatly benefit the US economy.
Additionally, though California currently has a waiver that allows it to set its own vehicle efficiency standards, the EPA said today that it's currently reexamining the issuing of that waiver.
On the other side, California's vehicle efficiency standards, in place since 2009, as well, have reduced demand for fuels.
Building, appliance, and vehicle efficiency standards, including all motor vehicles, ships, and aircraft.
Vehicle efficiency standards are now the same in Canada as they are in the U.S., recognizing the cross-border trade in automotive parts and vehicles.
For China, this includes a national cap - and - trade program to be launched in 2017 to cut power sector and industrial carbon emissions; green power dispatch to prioritize renewable energy; vehicle efficiency standards, building efficiency standards; increasing its forest stock; and limits on HFCs use.
Among the most impactful policies, the study finds — those with reductions in excess of 20 MtCO2e each in some years — are the AB 1493 vehicle efficiency standards, the 33 percent RPS target, building efficiency targets, phasing out imported coal electricity and phasing out hydrofluorocarbon gases.
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