Sentences with phrase «velocity changes»

A recent article in Science has an alarming title: «Large and Rapid Melt - Induced Velocity Changes in the Ablation Zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet.»
Are the velocity changes of the sun a product of the gravity force or something not quite the same.
Examination of recent rapid supraglacial (i.e. on the surface) lake drainage documented short term velocity changes due to such events around 10 %, but little significance to the annual flow of the large glaciers outlet glaciers (Das, 2008).
«Large and Rapid Melt - Induced Velocity Changes in the Ablation Zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet.»
The two papers don't mention any velocity changes due to increased slope, but they do record that at elevations above 1500 - 2000 m, the ice has been growing in thickness by about 5 - 6 cm / yr, whereas below the 1500m level there's been a thinning of about -2 cm / yr.
Its monotube rear shocks have separate oil and gas chambers and a high - pressure gas charge that Nissan says «provides quicker response to damper stroke and velocity changes
As they drift along their orbits, some of their members escape the cluster, due to velocity changes in mutual closer encounters, tidal forces in the galactic gravitational field, and encounters with field stars and interstellar clouds crossing their way.
«We want to know whether the seismic velocity changes reflect increasing pressure in the volcano, as volcanoes bulge out before an eruption.
At the same time, the seismic velocity changes.
However, Tuomi's team warns that disturbances on the star itself, rather than orbiting planets, may be producing the small velocity changes in Tau Ceti.
As it turns out, this trapezoid depicts how Jupiter's velocity changes with time over the 60 days.»
The important thing to remember is that velocity change does not always correlate injury or irreversible wear and tear.
As a result of the flyby, the velocity change to the spacecraft was 8,451 miles per hour (3.778 kilometers per second).
«The total velocity change from Earth's gravity far exceeds the total fuel load of the OSIRIS - REx propulsion system, so we are really leveraging our Earth flyby to make a massive change to the OSIRIS - REx trajectory, specifically changing the tilt of the orbit to match Bennu.»
Ono and colleagues calculated that a velocity change of about 0.9 miles (1.5 kilometers) per second is possible with some materials that already exist: Zylon and Kevlar.
Almost every spacecraft that has swung around the Earth to speed it on its journey into space has recorded an inexplicable velocity change.
The test simulates a rear - end crash with a velocity change of 10 mph, approximately equivalent to a stationary vehicle being struck at 20 mph by a vehicle of the same weight.
Another study found no occupants who reported whiplash symptoms immediately after accidents in which the velocity change was up to 10.9 kilometers per hour.

Not exact matches

According to Monika Hamori, a professor at Spain's IE Business School, «there is a misconception that if you change companies often, it guarantees you a faster promotion velocity
«The speed and velocity of change at these firms has been increasing, and to stay on the leading edge has required a lot more stealth by these CEOs,» said Vlaad.
The year - over-year change in money velocity is our favorite indicator because it's been quite accurate for more than 20 years.
In its original and most basic form it held that the general price level would change in direct proportion to the change in the supply of money, but to get around the problem that what was observed didn't match this theory it was subsequently «enhanced» by adding a fudge factor called «velocity».
In analyzing the equation of exchange one assumes that one of its elements — total supply of money, volume of trade, velocity of circulation — changes, without asking how such changes occur.
The velocity of money measures the rate at which money flows through an economy, in other words, how much money changes hands; it has to do with the amount of economic activity associated with a given money supply.
go ahead, use prayer to change the course, speed, and wind velocity of Hurricane Sandy.
But as every motion in space is relative and can be transformed into a rest by an appropriate change of the frame of reference, it is permissible to regard the present moment as stationary and future events as moving toward the past with an equal and opposite velocity, to wit, opposite with respect to the velocity of the present moment in the first picture.
What occurred was not a change of meaning but a new way of testing relations among terms with unchanged meanings — velocity, in this case.
Anderson — with his funky delivery and lower velocity, he depends on location and changing speeds.
The righty's 97.5 average fastball velocity was the second best in all of baseball among pitchers who threw at least 80 IP in 2017, and with a change - up that's a full 10 mph slower, he's got a devastating strikeout pitch to match it.
That competitive fire made young Mazzone exactly the kind of pitcher who would drive Mazzone the pitching coach off his rocker — not changing speeds enough, relying on velocity, maxing out, and trying to overpower hitters.
Using a scientific approach to pitching analysis and teaching methods to create solutions, I can help you make the necessary changes to improve your pitching performance in terms of velocity, location, and pain - free and injury - free pitching.
«The magic thing that happens when you're training with instant radar and velocity feedback, it doesn't change the coaching process, it adds on to it,» said Steve Goody, founder of Pocket Radar.
Due to the ineffectiveness of the aforementioned exit velocity thresholds, leagues have tried to attack the «hot bat» issue by changing other aspects of the game.
It has a variable pump, and velocity will change with the number of charging strokes.
By tracking the changes in velocity and position of this extra emission over the years of the observations, they were able to show that it is orbiting around the young star.
The light's wavelength can also change noticeably when photons are scattered off ionised gas moving through space, providing a way to probe the velocity of such gas.
Directly testing this «equipartition theorem» requires the velocity of a particle to be measured, but Einstein predicted that its rapidly changing speed and direction would make that impossible.
Researchers have come up with what they call the Space Hitchhike Equation, which relates the specific strength of the tether, the mass ratio between the spacecraft and the tether, and the change in velocity needed to accomplish the maneuver.
Dynamic pressure drops happen whenever there is a sudden change in velocity, for example when there are valve or pump failures, or sudden demands on the system, such as when large volumes of water are required for fighting a fire.
But Portegies Zwart changed his mind after calculating the sun's velocity backward over the past 4.6 billion years.
Nearly a decade ago, Steve Elgar of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) set up a series of floating pressure gauges, sonar devices and water velocity meters on a beach in Duck, N.C., in an attempt to determine what changes in wave action bring sand back onshore.
In a sense, light never really changes its velocity.
«We've conducted tracking tests in laboratories in which subjects follow moving images across computer screens,» says psychologist McBeath, «and we've found that until the velocity of the target changes by as much as 60 to 70 percent, people don't notice that it's speeding up or slowing down at all.»
Instantly — and unconsciously — the fielder gauges this apparent change in velocity and begins pedaling forward or backward in an attempt to neutralize it, so that he will be standing in exactly the right position to pluck the ball out of the air when it at last completes its plummet.
To model the projected impact of climate change on marine biodiversity, the researchers used climate - velocity trajectories, a measurement which combines the rate and direction of movement of ocean temperature bands over time, together with information about thermal tolerance and habitat preference.
In the simulation, each Roombot alters its pattern of movement randomly every few seconds and assesses how those changes affect the quadruped's overall velocity.
The car's velocity will change as you go, so you can measure the curve in terms of changes in velocity along that one - dimensional line.
The mineral has a unique layered structure that causes seismic waves to change velocity depending on their direction of travel — just as in the D» layer.
The opposite of this is a turbulent flow which is characterized by vortices and chaotic changes in pressure and velocity within the fluid.
As the hair moves because of the electric field, it changes the frequency of the laser light that hits it, allowing the vibrometer to keep track of the velocity of motion of the hair.
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