Sentences with phrase «velocity impact collisions»

In Casey v Cartwright [2006] EWCA Civ 1280, [2006] All ER (D) 72 (Oct), the issue concerned low - velocity impact collisions.
Some types of accident claims are handled differently, such as accidents ICBC deems low velocity impact collisions or hit and run accidents for example.

Not exact matches

From these simulations, he determined that a collision at a velocity of 2.5 kilometers per second would be forceful enough to produce a plume of melt that is ejected out into space — a phenomenon known as impact jetting.
When the system senses that a frontal collision is unavoidable, and even if no prior alerts have been given, strong braking is automatically applied to help reduce the impact velocity and collision force.
When the system senses that a frontal collision is unavoidable, even if no prior alerts have been given, strong braking is automatically applied to help reduce the impact velocity and collision force.
A climate skeptic who is stopped in traffic on a state highway just after passing a blind corner, who sees a car in the rear view mirror coming around that corner at high speed and desperately braking to avoid a collision, would refuse to extrapolate that car's velocity at impact and therefore would take no action to avoid the inevitable collision.
Other important parameters derived from a traffic accident reconstruction typically include: collision severity (commonly expressed as the Delta - V or change in velocity due to the collision), impact speeds, principal directions of force, heading angles, direction of travel, or acceleration / deceleration values.
I have blogged several times with respect to ICBC's LVI (Low Velocity Impact) Defence with a view towards educating BC vehcicle collision victims that ICBC's LVI Policy is not the law, rather it is an internal policy geared towards saving ICBC money.
Like many insurance companies the ICBC has a «Low Velocity Impact Program» (LVI) where tort claims are denied on the basis of little vehicle damages in collision.
Where ICBC is denying a claim because of the nature of the collision (low velocity impact) and you suffered more than a minor injury; OR
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