Sentences with phrase «vendors attending this year»

Not exact matches

The number of Chinese companies attending this year's CES hit a record, with some 871 vendors showcasing everything from huge TVs to 3D printers.
Some older vendors continue to attend all of the conferences, year after year, regardless of the results.
The API memo requested API's member companies to recruit employees, retirees, vendors and contractors to attend the «Energy Citizen» rallies in key Congressional districts nationwide during the August recess last year, no doubt hoping to be confused with a genuine grassroots uprising, much like the tea parties.
Take a look at the range of topics covered each year so you better understant why over a 1,700 lawyers, IT staff, paralegals, legal assistants, and product vendors attend this 3 - day conference in Chicago.
I hope to attend next year as either a vendor or customer!
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