Sentences with phrase «vengeful act»

He stamped Van Persie's leg, unleashed a bad tackle on Cesc Fabregas, and concluded his vengeful act with an unwarranted celebration of his headed goal, running the entire length of the pitch towards the Arsenal crowd.
Bonhoeffer was executed in the last days of the Second World War in a vengeful act of cruelty by the Nazi regime which he had contested since Hitler came to power in 1933.
Yet it traps the person driven to it and there is seldom any «closure», satisfaction or peace of mind after the vengeful act has been performed.
This time, the nation's fourth largest retailer, Home Depot, possibly fell victim to malicious and vengeful acts of sophisticated hackers who exposed customer information that could affect all of the chain's 2,200 stores.
Of course, there is just plain anger and there is a self - righteous anger that leads to vengeful acts.

Not exact matches

I hope he can reflect back to those the real, loving, peaceful and understanding God that exists, and not the perceived hateful, vengeful, and punishing god these people in - act upon.
Everyone would be instantly appalled if Christians started acting out vengeful fantasies, even if the victim was broadly agreed to have deserved punishment.
Even «acts of self - sacrifice» can be nothing but vengeful attacks on others.
«He acted in a vengeful and spiteful manner, which ill behooves a borough president in the city of New York.»
And her final act — however vengeful or vindicated — will not soon fade from memory.
2:45 p.m. (11:45 a.m.): «Act of Violence» (1949, Fred Zinnemann) Strong, socially conscious noir: Robert Ryan, a vengeful ex-P.O.W., besieges fellow ex-prisoner and possible traitor Heflin and his wife Janet Leigh.
One fateful night, her wings are burned off which sets in motion a vengeful plot against the person that committed the act.
But on Oscar night, Three Billboards walked away with only acting wins for McDormand's searing performance as a grieving and vengeful mother, and Rockwell's blustering cop.
Rarely does a film blend optimism and vision with social criticism quite as skilfully as this tale of young girls acting out under the oppression of an oppressive and vengeful regime.
Brutal twists and violent face - offs come so thick and fast in the third act that their impact is numbing, and the vengeful trajectory for Bale's everyman is intelligently played but easy to map from the off.
Whatever you do, a omniscient, vengeful being can see you and act.
These twenty people are victims of a vengeful, hateful act which resulted from one of their neighbors trying to do the right thing.
Work on making your spouse understand that an amicable divorce is better for your children and that acting vengeful and hostile toward each other will only hurt your children.
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