Sentences with word «ventouse»

«After the births of my two older sons — the first was induced, the second a protracted ventouse delivery
She had the mark of the failed ventouse on her eyebrow — the evidence of her malpresentation was pretty obvious.
I found the experience of a very intense labour with uterine hyperstimulation on Synt / Pitocin, a big posterior baby, episiotomy and Ventouse with only partial local anaesthesia barbaric and quite horrifying.
Your baby's head may look slightly out of shape if your baby was delivered by ventouse or forceps.
You are also less likely to have intervention such as forceps or ventouse if you birth at home.
After a normal, forceps or ventouse vaginal delivery you'll be feeling sore and swollen down below.
My DS was 3 hours second stage, then ventouse and forceps.
Ventouse probably wouldn't work because the baby was too high in the birth canal, and I'd heard enough horror stories about the damage caused by high forceps.
The first was more traumatic, due to a failed ventouse (vacuum extraction) and the anguish of not being able to latch my baby on to breastfeed, followed by six months of using nipple shields.
Cerebral palsy can also be the result of serious injuries caused by ventouse (vacuum) and forceps mistakes.
If the baby becomes distressed (this is detected by changes in the baby's heart rate or the presence of meconium, the baby's first stool) but it is already moving down the birth canal, forceps or Ventouse will usually be preferred to a caesarean section; if the baby is not moving down the birth canal and is becoming distressed, a caesarean section may be recommended.
The interference rate is uacceptably high (forceps / ventouse / c - section) and puts women and babies at risk.
Sometimes your baby's head may appear to be squashed and this normally occurs when you have had an assisted birth through forceps or ventouse.
Fast and frightening birth, meconium in waters, cord round neck, heart rate dropping, ventouse.
Sometimes, it might be necessary to open your legs wider than your pain - free range to deliver your baby safely, particularly if you have an assisted delivery (for example, with the vacuum or ventouse).
This is where a suction cup (ventouse) or forceps are used to help deliver your babies.
Normal birth: defined by the Maternity Care Working Party14 as birth without any of: induction of labour; epidural or spinal analgesia; general anaesthetic; episiotomy; forceps, ventouse, or caesarean section
The research team studied 1000 pregnant women in good health and discovered that lowered levels of thyroxine at 36 weeks gestation had a very strong link to an abnormal fetal position of the head which often necessitated an assisted delivery through forceps, ventouse, or C - section.
Sometimes bruising is from forceps or vacuum (ventouse) use during the delivery.
There are significant risks associated with ventouse and forceps birth, both for the mother and baby — RANZCOG lists them here.
Assisted delivery is when your doctor or consultant uses forceps or ventouse to help your baby into the world
This followed the horrible hospital birth of my first child, which encompassed a cascade of interventions: gas and air, epidural and instrumental delivery (ventouse).
My baby had ventouse and forceps, plus two hours second stage labour.
In this way I decided what I wanted in the event of non progression, EMCS, ELCS, ventouse, tears etc..
My best moment, I almost slapped the obsterician as she was administering the ventouse until I realised that I wouldn't be able to reach her.
A doctor ran through all the options and risks in long, intricate detail — ventouse, high forceps delivery, emergency caesarean.
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