Sentences with phrase «ventral midline»

The phrase "ventral midline" refers to the central line or area on the front side of an animal's body. Full definition
For spays of feral cats, some surgeons prefer a flank approach rather than the traditional ventral midline incision.
Phalloidin stainings had revealed ventral midline muscles in almost all annelid families (table S3), yet in some cases only pairs of ventral muscles had been reported (18, 19).
The non-groomed body areas on the dorsal and ventral midline identified here for B. terrestris correspond to the areas found on other Bombus species in China and North America visiting different plants [32 — 35,38,41](S6 Table).
The prepuce in male dogs may be clamped to one side of ventral midline with a sterile Backhaus towel clamp.
Animals underwent ventral midline coeliotomy and ovariohysterectomy.
A similar arrangement also occurs in mollusk (23) and brachiopod larvae (24), and ventral midline muscles are observed in most lophotrochozoan phyla (table S3), suggesting that an axochord is ancestral for lophotrochozoa.
Field observations of flower - visiting bees (Apis mellifera, different species of Bombus and other genera) at mainly species of Orobanchaceae and Fabaceae have demonstrated that after pollen accumulation on the bees» bodies by the pollen - sacs) and subsequent grooming, residual patches of pollen patches remain in specific areas of the bees» body, mainly on the dorsal and ventral midline of the head, thorax and abdomen [31 — 42].
Our study of annelid development reveals a population of mesodermal cells that converge and extend along the ventral midline and express a combination of transcription factors, signaling molecules, and guidance factors that closely matches that of the vertebrate chordamesoderm.
Regardless of its nature, dorsoventral axis inversion (35) would have brought the ventral midline tissue into a dorsal position in the chordate lineage, and the appearance of incompressible vacuoles (14) would have gradually transformed it into a stiff rod of constant length; the amphioxus notochord could then be regarded a vestige of a contractile - cartilaginous transition.
Ventral midline is demarcated by the linea alba.
A ventral midline incision is most frequently used for abdominal surgery and may extend from the xyphoid process, through the umbilicus to the pubic symphysis.
We make our incision in a particular location in the center of the abdomen, called the ventral midline.
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