Sentences with word «venusian»

Better known as «Mystery», Erik von Markovik has a proven record of success when it comes to picking up women (yes, even the ones most men think are «out of my league»), which led to the founding of Venusian Arts.
In 2004, Schulze - Makuch and his colleagues announced their speculations that such microbes may survive in Venusian clouds with the help of molecular rings of sulphur to shelter from the Sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation as Venus does not have a protective layer of ozone in its atmosphere.
The simulated image at left shows how the smaller particle size in Venusian cloud tops (compared to a typical 10 to 40 micrometers in terrestrial ones) causes the colored fringes to spread further apart than they would appear on Earth.
Sagan had proposed very high Venusian surface temperatures, and ascribed them to an ultra-strong greenhouse effect on the basis of careful calculations using all that was then known.
You simply say that you don't believe the greenhouse effect can be responsible for Venusian temperatures and move on — despite the fact that some very, very fine scientific minds thought quite differently, and had the math to prove it.
Scientists believe the tessera may have been continents that, several billion years ago, stood out of shallow venusian oceans.
In 1975, Venera 9 became the first probe to send back pictures from the surface of another planet: fuzzy images of the rock - strewn Venusian landscape.
However, the lack of radio observations by the Cassini spacecraft during two close flybys and the lack of optical detections by Venus Express as well as ground - based observers leave the question of Venusian lightning somewhat unresolved (Yair et al. 2008; Yair 2012).
It takes Venus 117 Earth days to rotate once, and 224.7 Earth days to complete an orbit around the sun, meaning there are less than two full days in a single Venusian year.
Suzanne Smrekar of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and her colleagues deduced that lava flows on the flanks of several Venusian volcanoes appear unweathered, meaning that the flows must be no more than 2.5 million years old.
If you miss this event, there is a consolation prize: Because Venus circles the sun 13 times for every 8 times Earth does, Venusian transits come in pairs that occur eight years apart.
In September 2002, planetary scientists (Dirk Schulze - Makuch and Louis Irwin) made public their speculations that there may be microbial life in the high Venusian clouds (as those in Earth's clouds), based on their finding of atmospheric abnormalities uncovered in data from past Russian and U.S. space probes (Venera, Pioneer, and Magellan).
Even when scientists get data on Venusian rocks, interpretation could be tricky.
The researchers added information about Venus» topography from radar measurements taken by NASA's Magellan mission in the 1990s, and filled the lowlands with water, leaving the highlands exposed as Venusian continents.
Then again, with the surface of Venus being at almost 900 °F (500 °C) under more than 90 times the air pressure of Earth's atmosphere at sea level, with occasional showers of acid, it's not easy to test the properties of materials under Venusian conditions.
Detailed images could reveal the marks of ancient venusian plate tectonics.
Venusian atmospheric dynamics, in ultraviolet light, show intricate meteorological patterns.
The rapid cooling of the lava flows, if that's indeed what caused the transient hot spots, may be due to the exceptionally effective heat - transferring capability of the dense venusian atmosphere, they add.
Once upon a time Martians and Venusians met, fell in love, and had happy relationships together because they respected and accepted their differences.
Even though the Chinese are building thousands of coal fired plants around the world (they are exempt from the penalties and sanctions of the Paris Accord) there is next to zero likelihood for the occurrence of anything like Venusian fury.
Prospects for Venusian life have been dismissed because of harsh conditions on the planet's surface: there is no water, temperatures reach 477 °C and the atmospheric pressure is 92 times that on Earth's surface.
But attacking wind farms, Boris Johnson today said they «look like some hideous Venusian invasion, marching over the moors and destroying the dales».
Uncertain krypton measures from earlier probes presented two possibilities: Venusian levels could match Earth's, indicating the two planets probably formed from similar ingredients in the primordial nebula, or they could differ enough to force scientists to toss out their theories on Venus's origins.
Perhaps some ancient Venusian inhabitants live on.
In about a month's time, the European Space Agency's (ESA) Venus Express spacecraft will adjust its orbit and dip into the outer venusian atmosphere.
At altitudes of more than 3 kilometres above the planet's plains, Venusian mountains reflected Magellan's radar signals much more strongly than ordinary rocks, just as if they were covered by ice.
In the July 25 issue of SN: A special report on time, Kennewick Man's ancestry, sex - change lizards, Venusian volcanism, Earth's missing craters and more.
Toward the end of that year, though, the Pioneer Venus probe entered Venusian orbit — and immediately recorded suspiciously high levels of sulfur dioxide above the clouds.
The first sighting of the light spectacle on another planet reveals properties of the mysterious Venusian clouds
Venus» composition is largely unknown because of a lack of Venusian meteorites found on Earth, and that mystery won't be unlocked anytime soon: No missions to Venus are planned.
Venusian meteorologists could play the same forecast forever: Overcast tomorrow, with a high of 850 degrees Fahrenheit and a low of 850.
Around 700 million years ago, the entire Venusian surface appears to have melted and reformed, which may have been a continuation of the greenhouse warming that dried out the planet.
In fact, for decades, imaginary folks were convinced that the thick clouds created a sweltering rainforest of Venusian vegetation beneath them!
Recent research suggests that the formation of clouds could have slowed the development of the planet's runaway greenhouse effect, allowing Venusian oceans to survive for some two billion years or more.
Two Chicago residents living in different parts of the Windy City awaken one morning to discover that legions of Venusian robots have destroyed most of the city.
Instead, the developers behind Incredipede and Pineapple Smash Crew have collaborated on one of the most bizarre and intriguing game concepts you'll see this year: an alien jellyfish procreation simulator set beneath the thick Venusian clouds, which challenges us to help an intrepid Cnidarian spread its seed and fertilise a variety of extraterrestrial flora.
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