Sentences with phrase «verbal equivalent»

I've learned that the same types of people take over online discussions about faith and transform them into the verbal equivalent of a food fight.
But even when thought out, religion is focused in the verbal equivalent of the dance: myth, symbol and metaphor.
I think this is the verbal equivalent of that.
This was the verbal equivalent of being slapped with a wet fish.
He used it time and again in his replies to the committee's crack team of interrogative MPs, a useful prefix to answers which were essentially the verbal equivalent of a rollings of his eyes.
«I like the challenge of finding a verbal equivalent for certain states of looking,» Mr. Salle said, «and taking apart what it is someone made.»
Another approach, as expressed in Robert Motherwell's titles, such as «In Plato's Cave» and «The Spanish House,» is the move toward a verbal equivalent of the image either through description or evocation, which allows a space for non-literal interpretation.
He recognizes, however, that as far as his kids go, there is no verbal equivalent to a pink Starburst.
Some people think storytelling should be the verbal equivalent of Katamari Damacy, where you grab your suffering listener in a bear hug and roll all over creation accreting random junk.
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