Sentences with phrase «verbal expression»

Warm up the atmosphere between you with genuine verbal expressions of love that are not over ridden by criticisms.
In the early centuries, Christian faith was sufficiently flexible to incorporate valid criticisms of its various verbal expressions.
The directors seem to have lavished so much energy on the choreography of the sex scenes that they have nothing left for verbal expression.
«Philosophy is largely the effort to lift such insights into verbal expression» (ESP 127).
This is a purely verbal expression, used to identify Elsewhere, the Inaccessible, the Beyond [or the Very Deep], rather than a place.)
Compound Forms: Inglés: Español: give [sb] a heads - up, give [sb] a heads up, give a heads - up to [sb], give a heads up to [sb] v expr verbal expression
Two forms of control are: psychological - parents attempt to oversee and regulate children's psychological and emotional development through constraining verbal expression and invalidating feelings; and behavioral — parents try to regulate children's behavior by using limit setting and positive reinforcement (Pomerantz, 2001).
Once anything has been given to us in experience we can at once turn around and reflect upon it, thematize it, and give verbal expression to it.
According to The Wellspring, a site dedicated to promoting wellness in many of life's domains, physical touch has the capacity to demonstrate a wide range of emotions that are not bound by verbal expression, such as sympathy, care and especially love.
Traumatized children lack the ability to access these memories through verbal expression.
«The results of our research confirm the importance of motor sensory experiences in memory retention and help to better define sensory episodes associated with verbal expression,» Boucher concluded.
Repeatski is actually based off Capy co-founder Matt Repetski, right down to the earrings and certain verbal expressions.
Frequently the noun shalom is translated by various verbal expressions centering on well - being or being well, Jacob sent Joseph «to see the shalom of his brothers and the shalom of the flock.»
Peter has drawn upon the medium of myth to affirm the faith into which he had been led, and he had little choice, if his faith was to find verbal expression.
It invites us to respond to God with out whole being; it helps us move beyond verbal expressions to a fuller experience and expression of our relationship with God.
It encompasses ritual, and it mandates behavior and feeling, but it gives a privileged place to discourse: it grounds itself in the Word, whether that means a formally codified text or a broader conception of the divine spirit; it thrives on professional and popular interpretations of the Word; it requires the construction and maintenance of community through communication of shared convictions and experiences; and it mandates verbal expressions of sincerity, emotion, and commitment.
Christianity, he claimed, was a living faith which, though always linked to the historical circumstances of its birth, had to be perpetually reshaped and given fresh verbal expression in order to remain a genuine path of faith in later ages.
Linda's poetic voiceovers are the only verbal expression of interior feelings, giving the film a sense of a living diary: «Nothin'to do all day but relax, walk.
Team player with strong verbal expression and comprehension skills.
Nevertheless, men engage in more problem - focused and avoidant coping behaviors, whereas women are more likely to use strategies that involve verbal expressions to others or themselves, to seek emotional support, to ruminate about problems, and to use positive self - talk.
those who have experienced a constriction of verbal expression at certain times, for example, due to threats made during abuse, and who may be uncomfortable with «talk therapy.»
Murray spends most of the chapter dilating on what that means: rigor in verbal expression, forming judgments, thinking about virtue and the good, and developing empathy and greater humility.
«We found that behavioral actions — rather than purely verbal expressions — triggered more consensus as indicators of love.
Compound Forms: Inglés: Español: give [sb] a heads - up, give [sb] a heads up, give a heads - up to [sb], give a heads up to [sb] v expr verbal expression Should I give a Vitamin B12 supplement to my dog?
As often formulated it seems that supporters of the correspondence theory of truth claim that there is correspondence between thoughts or verbal expressions on the one side and something nonlingustic on the other.
For years, climate - change scientists relied on verbal expressions of chance instead of statistical ranges: Effects were «probable» or «possible»; they «could» or «might» be true.
And of course, then you must consider the additional burden of the Asperger's teen: He or she likely has trouble with verbal expression,... Continue reading →
Rather, stories have been used, and they've been used more than any other form of verbal expression.
to become a verbal expression.
Although I have sought to adjust the verbal expression the better to conform to our concept of the real meaning and the true import of the Master's life and teachings, as far as possible, I have adhered to the actual human concept and thought pattern in all my narratives.
These forms give practical and verbal expression to the common faith of any one generation and, when handed on, become the vehicle for transmitting and nurturing the faith of the next generation.
Such systems have the common character of starting with a fundamental Intuition which we do mean to express, and of entangling themselves in verbal expressions, which carry consequences at variance with the initial intuition of permanence in fluency and of fluency in permanence.
If, as He says, we ARE salt and light, then simply being in contact with a person, has an effect.Along the line, verbal expression is required.
Moreover, propositions are not reducible to linguistic entities because the verbal expression, as hopelessly ambiguous, can never exhaustively express a proposition.
There will never be any complete or ultimate form of verbal expression into which it can be translated.
Myth, properly understood, can serve contemporary man, as well as it served ancient man, for the verbal expression of the response of the human spirit to the environment of his existence.
These laws, like the human language in which they are expressed, are, in part, man's own products, as their verbal expression has resulted from the application of his imagination to the world he seeks to know.
You determine what is appropriate by careful observation of what your baby is telling you, by their facial and verbal expressions.
In contrast, others mainly have «negative» symptoms, such as social withdrawal and diminished emotional and verbal expression.
But the added effect of talking to someone shows that in addition to the sensorimotor aspects related to verbal expression, the brain refers to the multisensory information associated with the communication episode,» Boucher explained.
It is a verbal expression of their customs and values.
Poetry reading encourages mental effort, stimulates the verbal expression of thoughts, and demands intense focus.
• Diverse writing helps a person to recreate imaginary worlds and inculcate strange cultural characteristics to the same, in the form of verbal expression.
Inspired by poetry, particularly by their contemporaries of the Beat generation, Gechtoff, Kelly, and their peers viewed painting as the visual component of literature, yet unlike their New York counterparts, emphasized this duality through allusions to distant figuration, swirling motifs, spiritual encounters, and visual representations of verbal expression in their paintings.
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