Sentences with phrase «verbal reward»

Be sure to use verbal reward to reinforce good behavior while your dog learns to accept the presence and touch of other people.
It is safe to say, however, that when used appropriately verbal rewards and perhaps also tangible rewards can positively affect student achievement.
There was a time not long ago where dog trainers thought it better to give only verbal reward during obedience sessions but this is no longer the case.
This research indicates that when verbal rewards are employed (e.g., positive comments about good performance, acknowledgments of knowledge gain) the trend is positive when intrinsic motivation is measured either by interest / attitude or by free - choice behavior.
In order to achieve maximum performance from a mobility assistance dog, frequent verbal rewards and encouragement is a must, as are play times — such as a game of fetch with a favorite toy.
Verbal rewards work well when you're playing and may have your hands full of toys
If your dog has been reinforced several times with treats and is becoming very consistent with her / his responses try using verbal rewards more frequently than treats or perhaps introduce a toy or short game as a reward.
«However, while managers can use these «verbal rewards» — often as simple as saying «thank you» — for simple or repetitive tasks, this approach can backfire for complex tasks and projects.
For simple tasks, on the other hand, respondents» intrinsic motivation was higher when they expected a verbal reward — probably because if the task in itself is not motivating, then the extra encouragement is helpful.
«Often we don't really think about the verbal rewards we use on a day - to - day basis, but actually these are things that are likely to influence people's motivation more than the tangible rewards, which we don't get as frequently,» Dr Hewett adds.
The research found that individuals reported lower intrinsic motivation if they expected to receive a verbal reward for a complex task — in other words, they enjoyed the task less, and had a reduced desire to do it.
Whereas tangible reward has weak support for its use, verbal reward has moderate support.
Verbal rewards and treats are the best signs that puppy enjoys and understand when reading them.
Each time you use a food reward, you should couple it with a verbal reward (praise).
We will emphasize fading out food lures in favor of hand signals and verbal rewards, as well as decreasing dependence on training tools.
Because dogs respond almost exclusively to the tone of our voice rather than the content of our message, a verbal reward must be given out in a technique dogs understand.
Reward can be many things - a treat, a physical reward (such as a pat or rub), and verbal reward.
You can still reward the dog, but over time you may shift from a highly prized food reward to a less desirable food reward, then perhaps to just a verbal reward.
Each time you are ready to feed the dog, you should couple it with a verbal reward (praise).
I couldn't disagree with you more about small tangible and verbal rewards!
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