Sentences with phrase «verses out»

If people are going to cherry - pick a few verses out of the Bible, then they should also be punished for wearing beards and borrowing loans with interest.
You have cherry picked verses out of context in order to weave a picture of meanness that is not there.
Taking the verses out of context in the bible is done in churches every day.
Try not to take verses out of context or time and culture of writing.
Christians are well known for taking verses out of their cultural context to prove their own viewpoints.
Markos, all you are doing is taking these verses out of context.the four verses that you mention are constantly used by people who hate islam to distort the true meaning.First of all, you need to post the entire chapter and it's interpretation to put it into context.You can't just take one verse out of a chapter with a couple of hundred verses and use it as proof that islam is a violent religion.The quran was revealed in small segments during the life of prophet muhammad and wasn; t revealed all at once.There is a long story to these verses which could require an entire page to tell.look it up.EVERY RELIGIOUS BOOK HAS TEXTS THAT CAN BE TAKEN OUT OF CONTEXT.I am sure that if I look in the jewish torah, talmud or even the bible especially the old testament, i'll find many texts that I can take out of context.
The article simply reveals the ignorance (and I don't mean that in an unkind way) of some Christians who take verses out of context.
even if you take verses out of context and apply them to yourself or to other people around you, it still isn't for you.
Im sorry Prothero but you are taking these verses out of context.Youre interpretation of Thou shalt not kill if you read the bible youd see instances when killing was ok because it was for war.
I don't say this to pick and choose verses out of the Bible.
Stop taking verses out of context, to justify your on hate filled agenda.
To me, it seems that progressives are doing the very thing that conservative Christians have been criticized for: pulling verses out of context to say that supporting a political party's agenda is supporting God's agenda.
I guess any Christian (even me) can support gay marriage when you take God's Word on the matter and toss it in the trash, take verses out of context or twist the message to suit your own agenda.
Yet people are determined to take verses out of biblical context and make it a free - for - all.
They justify their violence by taking verses out of context — you know, kind of like Christian extremists that blow up abortion clinics or racists who quote Phineas to justify their bigotry.
And, honestly, people who view the Bible as «the Good Book» and think it's just about the golden rule or something - well, I'm sure those people tend to be happier than us analytical types - but I think they are taking a lot of verses out of context sometimes too.
The promise must be rightly understood in context; we can't rip verses out of context to pray confidently.
@Rainer Braendlein you know those verses out of context, you can do that with the Bible too and that's why the Bible has been used to justify slavery, white supremacy, conquest after conquest, and the white man's burden in Africa
Also, why do you think it's okay for you to take Bible verses out of context and use them to support your claim that the Bible is pro-life, but it's not okay for me to take Bible verses out of context?
After shaving my head, my next impulse was to start yelling at God and reading Bible verses out loud.
They take verses out of context and mobilize innocent ignorant followers of the faith to execute devious and heinous acts but again this is condemned at all levels.
If someone decides they won't take by those circu - mstances and decides to read verses out of context, it is their PROBLEM and they don't represent the faith in itself.
Only five verses out of all 176 do not have at least one of these synonyms in the verse.
I believe that while the apostle Paul instructed some women not to teach, he encouraged others to prophesy, teach, and lead, and so we have to look at the epistles in their totality and in their context rather than lifting a few verses out to restrict women from preaching the gospel.
If you are any kind of student of the bible at all you know that any position can be substantiated or refuted by simply selecting verses out of context and presenting them as if they stand on their own.
This article is proof that a person can make the Bible say anything he or she wants it to say by taking verses out of context and using the old «mistranslation» excuse.
Using a few verses out of context from Malachi only proves another commenter's idea on manipulation (read Malachi and hear God's real dissapointment).
Because the devil did what most of us do — He quoted verses out of context.
what else, look how man thinks he is getting intelligent by the day and he is now a spokesperson for God himself and take verses out of context to write an article and interpret on his behalf...
I just asked him to consider the fact that there are a great deal more that run contrary to his argument due in part because he has pulled verses out of context.
It is, like all of Calvinism's doctrines, not explicitly taught anywhere in scripture, but extrapolated by taking a few verses or partial verses out of context and granting them a meaning never intended by the authors.
So often non-Catholics have learned to take verses out of the Bible and use them out of context... and now it appears they do the same thing with the Catechism!
What I want to illustrate here, is that it is an illegal act to just clutch some verses out of the Bible, and come up with wild conclusions.
I believe she was trying to say that politicians, law makers, are taking verses out of context, and in reality, a person can not take one verse and run with it, but they have to consider the surrounding context.
, in the name of your creator, who created man from a clot...», [] so rather than quoting what the terrorists quote (who BTW are misleading muslims and opponents alike, by reading verses out of context), use your logic, use your intelligence, read and understand.
Observer No, you pull verses out of context.
... or take verses out context, or take verses out of contest, or take verses out of context, or take verses out of context.
But to lift one verse out of the textual and cultural context in which it was written, and apply it literally is not a persuasive approach to biblical interpretation.
Your comment just proves people think they can take any verse out of the Bible and apply it the way it suits them best.
I am apalled at the «theologians» out there who take one verse out of context and try to build unconventional theology out of it.
You plucked this verse out yet forgot about who the Amalekites are and what they did to Gods children.
A lot Trinity believers take this verse out of context.
I respect his education and passion in regards to religion and his being a scholar and author, but anyone can take a single verse out of the bible and attempt to give it individual meaning.
We can't lift verses or portions of a verse out of context and try to force it into our own personal viewpoints.
The obvious reading of Genesis 19:5 is that homosexuality existed in Sodom - or do you leave that verse out, since you can pick and choose?
The whole chapter is readiliy available if people read the whole thing, they wouldn't fall for such trivial madness that presumes that one isolated verse out of 129 could explain not only the whole chapter, but the entire book and religion!
The speaker quoted a great verse out of the Bible which said, «People perish for lack of fishing.»
You also need to take into consideration the Book of Exodus in it's whole not just one verse, that is why so many «Christians» are hipicrates, they take one verse out of context and overlook the real message.
No, Pilgrim, I'm not reading one verse out of context, because it was an entire chapter that dealt with this...
Jesus used a rhema, a quick and powerful thrust of a particular verse out of the Bible to fend off Satan's attacks.
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