Sentences with phrase «vertebrates evolved»

«Vertebrates evolved over 400 million years, and 300 million years of that were fish,» Rhodes said.
That's prompted researchers to speculate that sometime in the distant past, arthropods (a group that includes spiders, beetles, and flies) and vertebrates evolved separate ways to build their bodies.
As vertebrates evolved, the entire genome was duplicated not once but twice.
«These results change our understanding of when the largest living group of vertebrates evolved and allow us to iron out a lot of the wrinkles in our understanding of the sequence of evolutionary events.»
PULLMAN, Wash. — Using fish bred at Washington State University, an international team of researchers has mapped the genetic profile of the rainbow trout, a versatile salmonid whose relatively recent genetic history opens a window into how vertebrates evolve.

Not exact matches

(We know and can see that bacteria evolve quite a bit faster than vertebrates, and once an organism has adapted to its environment sufficiently, evolutionary pressure is lessened — «living fossils»)
Originally when life was first evolving, there were no vertebrates, evolution doesn't have «one thing turning into another» like pokemon, it has life branching off like a giant complex web.
Now, we also evolved from vertebrates, in that we have spines.
We evolved from that which we are, we ARE primates, we ARE eukaryotes, we ARE metazoa, we ARE mammals, we ARE apes, we ARE vertebrates.
Sex hormones, including testosterone, evolved 500 million years ago — before the first vertebrate animals — from the «mother» of all steroid hormones, estrogen.
«The work not only provides insight into how turtles evolved, but also gives hints as to how the vertebrate developmental programs can be changed to produce major evolutionary novelties.»
These fins were made for walking, and that's just what these fish do — thanks to wiring that evolved long before vertebrates set foot on land.
By comparing the genomes of 203 vertebrates, they first traced the origin of KZFPs back to a common ancestor of tetrapods (four - legged animals) and coelacanth, a fish that evolved over 400 million years ago.
«It's not too much of a leap to imagine Tully monsters could have evolved an eye that resembled a vertebrate eye.»
Horner and his experienced colleagues — a structural geologist; a stratigrapher; a taphonomist (one who studies what happens to animals after they die); paleontologists specializing in vertebrate, mammalian, plant, and mollusk fossils; a molecular paleontologist; and an expert on paleomagnetism — are surveying all the fauna and flora that existed during the Hell Creek period (and that survived as fossils), the ways they interacted, and how they may have evolved.
A new analysis of the prehistoric origin of malaria suggests that it evolved in insects at least 100 million years ago, and the first vertebrate hosts of this disease were probably reptiles, which at that time would have included the dinosaurs.
All land vertebrates carry a version of the FOXP2 gene, so some of the Oxford researchers then teamed up with colleagues from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany to analyze what is unique about the variant in humans and to track how the gene had evolved in our ancestors.
«This is a major breakthrough and a beautiful example of convergent evolution where vertebrates at least five times have independently evolved» this ability «by modifying different cell types to serve the same function.»
This supports the view that teeth evolved from scales, which arose much earlier in vertebrate evolution.»
While that is close to true for coelacanths, other famous «living fossils,» which have the slowest molecular evolutionary rate among vertebrates, the Lingula genome has been evolving rapidly, despite the lack of changes in appearance.
This illustration in a fish with a proven ancient lineage of a highly evolved system controlling variations in heart rate suggests that its evolution was necessarily linked to the advent of air breathing over primitive vertebrate lungs rather than the much later appearance of mammals.
This study indicates that Lingula and bony vertebrates have evolved independently and employ different mechanisms for hard tissue formation.
The new results show that vertebrates may have evolved sophisticated mechanisms to balance out the negative consequence of hybridization, Hasselquist notes.
When the researchers built an evolutionary tree from these comparative data, the amphioxus branched off earliest, followed by tunicates and larvaceans, with vertebrates being the most recent to evolve, the team reports 23 February in Nature.
Read previous Zoologger columns: Horror fly returns from the dead, Even parasitic worms have a divided society, Shrimp plays chicken with its sex change, Death by world's longest animal, Live birth, evolving before our eyes, Sympathy for the piranha, The world's most fecund vertebrate, Whale - eater's helpful sulphur - powered guests, Horror lizard squirts tears of blood, Secret to long life found... in a baby dragon
Biologists have argued for decades over whether the two basic eye plans of vertebrates and invertebrates evolved independently or originated from a common ancestor.
The findings support the idea that gills evolved before the last common ancestor of all vertebrates, helping facilitate a «lifestyle transition» from immobile filter - feeder to actively swimming predator.
Frogs have evolved an amazing variety of reproductive methods, says McGuire, an associate professor of integrative biology and curator of herpetology at UC Berkeley's Museum of Vertebrate Zoology.
Read previous Zoologger columns: How weakness makes the crayfish stronger, The heaviest animal in the air, Ancient air - breathing, triple - jawed fish, Horror fly returns from the dead, Even parasitic worms have a divided society, Shrimp plays chicken with its sex change, Death by world's longest animal, Live birth, evolving before our eyes, Sympathy for the piranha, The world's most fecund vertebrate.
«And even that doesn't matter because you're ultimately forced to evolve into a terrestrial vertebrate with sentience, which is completely teleological.
If the conodonts are classified as vertebrates, it suggests that vertebrate skeletons evolved not from the protective scales of fish, but from teeth.
Read previous Zoologger columns: Ancient air - breathing, triple - jawed fish, Horror fly returns from the dead, Even parasitic worms have a divided society, Shrimp plays chicken with its sex change, Death by world's longest animal, Live birth, evolving before our eyes, Sympathy for the piranha, The world's most fecund vertebrate, Whale - eater's helpful sulphur - powered guests, Horror lizard squirts tears of blood.
Because parasites evolve quicker than their vertebrate hosts, immune genes need to be highly diverse to keep up with parasites and prevent infections.
Lampreys may have gone parasitic early in the history of vertebrates and so have had a long time to evolve their vampiric specializations.
We know binocular vision evolved several times independently in vertebrates.
A new study reveals that this process may have evolved long ago, as it shows that embryos from an ancient spider develop just like those of vertebrate animals.
«It was assumed that tetrapods evolved in river deltas and lakes, partly because all previous fossil evidence has been found in these environments,» says Jenny Clack, curator of vertebrate palaeontology at the University Museum of Zoology in Cambridge, UK.
Scientists think that this family evolved by gene duplication, branch by branch, from a single ancestor present in primitive vertebrates.
The more we understand about how natural variation in the vertebrate genome shapes the development and function of the brain, the better insight we can have into how behavioral patterns evolve, and how disruption to neurogenetic pathways can lead to brain and behavioral dysfunction.
Unknown artist, Remote Sensing Tutorial, GSFC, NASA Marine inverterbrate life in the late (or «Upper») Ordovician, after the first vertebrate fishes had evolved.
Soon, plant - eating animal life followed (including Arthropods such as the scorpion - like Eurypterids that moved from marine waters into brackish then fresh water — some species becoming amphibious and emerging onto land for part of their life cycle after becoming capable of breathing in both water and air — which eventually evolved into insects, and finally, by 379 million years ago, animals with backbones known as «vertebrates» which evolved from Fishes that moved onto land to evolve into Amphibians and eventually into Reptiles, Dinosaurs, Birds, and Mammals — Niedzwiedzki et al, 2010).
No longer is this extremely rare order of ancient fish crowned the slowest evolving vertebrate animal in the world.
Just like the opsins were multiplied and evolved distinct functions in early vertebrate evolution, also the transducins and their target enzyme were duplicated and diverged to separate functions.
The elephant shark has the smallest genome among cartilaginous fishes, and has been shown to be the slowest evolving vertebrate genome, according to a new study in the journal Nature.
He is also interested in how behaviour, function and biomechanics has evolved throughout vertebrate history.
Many plants are pollinated by insects and vertebrates (e.g., bats and or birds) that have evolved highly specialized flowers facilitating pollination by a specific group or species that are themselves concomitantly adapted through co-evolution.
But studying snakes» eyes is important for a more accurate and complete understanding of how vision functions and has evolved in vertebrates more generally.»
Some specialized diets, such as ectoparasitism (insects feeding on vertebrate hosts), evolve rarely and act as evolutionary traps, from which other diets do not easily evolve, whilst others, such as predation and fungivory, evolve frequently and readily give rise to other dietary types.
Pterosaurs are the earliest known vertebrates to have evolved powered flight and lived during the Early Cretaceous period.
In vertebrates, 9 - amino acid containing peptides in the vasopressin / oxytocin family all evolved from a common ancestral molecule, vasotocin, in which a gene mutation gave rise to the mammalian homologue, vasopressin.
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