Sentences with word «vervain»

Vervain is a type of plant with small purple flowers. It is often used in herbal remedies and folk medicine to help with various ailments like anxiety and insomnia. Full definition
Proprietary Blend of Chaste Tree berry (Vitex agnus - castus), Dong Quai root (Angelica sinensis), fresh Blue Vervain herb (Verbena hastata), fresh Black Cohosh root (Cimicifuga racemosa) and fresh Night Blooming Cereus stem (Selenicereus grandiflorus).
Their line of thoughtfully crafted products for mothers and babies includes this milk supply tincture, which employs a variety of extracts including organic shatavari root, organic moringa leaf, organic vervain herb and organic milk thistle seed.
Using lavender as a tincture along with vervain or mugwort can help relax your body enough to allow to trust enough to drift off.
If you need to calm an over-activated, aroused mind so that you can lull yourself into the quietude of sleep, Vervain flower essence may be for you.
Vervain helps your child to relax both mentally and physically.
Bach Flower Essences ® work well for hyperactive animals that seem to have so much energy, bark incessantly or chase cars, specifically Vervain and White Chestnut.
Many other «weeds» such as California poppy, lemon balm and vervain came from my own yard.
Organic nettle leaf, organic fennel seed, organic lemongrass, organic spearmint leaf, organic bee pollen, organic calendula flowers, organic peppermint leaf, organic red clover herb, organic lavender flowers, organic blue vervain, and organic meadowsweet flowers.
Supplement combines extracts including St. John's Wort, oats, passionflower, blue vervain, schisandra, ginkgo, and more.
Vitanica Lactationblend Nursing Support Ingredients: Fennel Seed, Fenugreek, Nettles Leaf, Vervain, Hops Flower, Blessed Thistle, Oatstraw, Red Raspberry leaf, Goat's Rue, Borage Seeds Oil, Chaste Tree Berry, Milk Thistle
For GI spasms, inflammation, IBS, flatulence and bloating; acute, uncomplicated diarrhea, in combination with pectin; infantile colic in combination with lemon balm, vervain, licorice and fennel; travel sickness and nervous diarrhea; dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea and teething problems mild anxiety, restlessness, stress - induced insomnia, and bruxism.
Ground fenugreek, anise, borage, raspberry leaves, blessed thistle, dill, garlic, stinging nettles, fennel seeds, goat's rue, false unicorn root, vervain (also called verbena)
Blue Vervain has many actions, including cleansing your liver, reducing sugar cravings, sweating out a fever, relaxing your muscles, balancing female hormones, and calming your nervous system.
Brew up a pot of blue vervain, wood betony, or slippery elm (or maybe all three).
Sometimes it can be easily cured by natural herbs, Lobelia, Black and Blue Cohosh, Blue Vervain and Scullcap.
Some herbs may directly induce miscarriage by causing the uterus to contract, including fenugreek, pleurisy root, and vervain, among others.
Feverfew, ginger, peppermint, lavender, and butterbur, Black Cohosh, Blue Vervain, Eleuthro Ginseng and many others have been used in traditional formulations.
Some examples include anise seed, borage, blessed thistle, cumin, dill, fennel, fenugreek, nigella, nettle, and vervain.
I especially like to take an alcohol extraction that is 50 % lavender, 50 % blue vervain.
What works for his bipolar illness is Mustard (mood swings), Aspen (unknown fears), Heather (excessive talking), Holly (anger), Chicory (argumentative, self - absorbed), Vervain (high strung and determined to do things only his way) and Rescue Remedy (trauma of it all).
Black Cohosh, Blue Cohosh, Blue Vervain, Scullcap Leaf, Lobelia leaf, Structured Water.
Contains: Mullein, Licorice, Cayenne, Nettle, Spikenard, Eucalyptus, Violet Leaf, Blue Vervain, Wild Yam and Horseradish.
Vervain: This remedy helps at times that your child gets over-enthusiastic and runs «wild».
Herbal dog remedies such as common oat, blue vervain and skullcap are effective towards improving the nervous system.
Herbs such as Valerian, passion flower, vervain and Skullcap are natural calming agent, and are well known to reduce anxiety and restlessness.
Chairs and twin beds are Suzanne Kasler for Hickory Chair, drapery fabric is Vervain with trim from Samuel and Sons.
Drapery fabric, Vervain.
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