Sentences with phrase «very irksome»

This statement is very Irksome.
There is so very much that is so very irksome about BLADE TRINITY, the third installment in the Blade series and the one with the least reason to exist, that one scarcely knows where to begin.

Not exact matches

Alongside much lengthier save times at the end of days, the interface issues are irksome enough to mar the special, very real sense of escapism Stardew Valley can so masterfully afford.
It transcends merely bad, merely tedious, merely irksome and plummets into that very special category of film, the one that so tries and tortures its audience that, emerging again from the soul - sucking black hole of celluloid disaster, it no longer fears... Read More»
Lively as Farahani's performance is, Laura doesn't really add up to much more than a very strong visual style — or a monochrome - themed variant on that irksome archetype (since the term seems these days to be in semi-retirement, I promise this is the last time I'll ever use it) the Manic Pixie Dream Girl.
Several stills from the video are up at Kotaku and they certainly look good, very Victorian and all that, but there is something irksome about seeing the next Assassin's Creed — even by way of leaked footage — while the current game is still such a mess.
What's irksome to me is that the kind of games Nintendo makes - the bright, inclusive themes and play style - is, sadly, unique enough to them that I'd be very interested in new ip's they may introduce.
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