Sentences with phrase «very souls»

Hedy teaches that trying to describe with words what an «encounter» is inevitably limits it and I find that to be true of my experiences being with them as well, for they allow us all into their very souls in a very deep and honest way and we leave changed.
The loving looks and physical connection — not just sexually but almost on a cosmic level — felt like our very souls needed each other to breathe.
With Deadfire, Obsidian will take players on another amazing journey to the world of Eora, this time to the vast and uncharted Deadfire Archipelago, where they will fight for their very souls as they hunt down a god.
This horror aspect isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it just doesn't feel very Souls - like.
This is where things start to get very Souls - y and Witcher - y.
The group's tear - away extravagance is funded, unwittingly, by Francis's father, Lord Soulford, but when suddenly he cuts his son off, the friends are left floundering, until Francis embroils them all in a plan that will test not only their friendship, but also their very souls.
Through advances in genetic, robotic, information and nanotechnologies, we are altering our minds, our memories, our metabolisms, our personalities, our progeny - and perhaps our very souls.
Risking not only their lives but their faith and their very souls, they confront a malevolent force in the form of the same demonic nun that first terrorized audiences in «The Conjuring 2,» as the abbey becomes a horrific battleground between the living and the damned.
Now we've got the first gameplay trailer, and aside from the dynamic transformations, it's got a very Souls series vibe.
We tackled closets, pantries, and our very souls.
Thus those who are conducted by the Spirit are moved not as slaves but as free men, willingly and voluntarily, since the principles, which move them, though derived from the Spirit, are inherent in their very souls.
Marriage has tried our very souls.
Vast stores of hidden wealth, gained by committing every crime in the book, and millions of fear - driven, deluded «slaves» who have been trained to give their very souls if need be... all under the thumbs of mere humans who use their power for every vice imaginable.
As they walked with Him and became «committed», they were also fed within their very souls by Him, growing deeper, wiser, nobler and more courageous of spirit.
On the other hand atheists are placing their very souls on the line that God is not real and does not exist!
The question is whether we will be responsible, whether we can be capitalists without losing our moral fiber and our very souls.
The stench of this stew has seeped into every corner of our lives and its slime has stained our very souls.
For those of us who know that the longing for God is written in our very souls, it's of no suprise.
If that connection isn't the very soul of marketing, I don't know what is.
The dieing sun uses the same red, painting the sky with the wonder of the infinite, where time and space and your very soul are brought within a breathe of each other, and your humanity begins to come alive.
I was told that there was but one path to salvation, and that to so much as ask the questions was to risk your very soul.
If you don't die to something, so you can forgive someone — it's your own quality of life and very soul that begins to die.
This is the fruit of a viper - filled tree of second - best, the - husband - always - knows - better, the male ego is a fragile, to - be-protected-at-all-costs thing, even if that cost is the very soul of the woman who protects it.
The very soul of the child is forever engulfed — and lost — unless the Lord breaks through with his healing love and delivering power.
-- When I try to raise my thoughts to Heaven — there is such convicting emptiness that those very thoughts return like sharp knives & hurt my very soul.
Modern man is sick in his very soul, and this sickness springs, in its turn, from his sickness in his relations to others.
Aren't you supposed to pray for those with loathsome souls, not bitterly attack them in manners which assume you can see into their very soul?
... «Because they are gambling with their very soul
Because you are gambling with your very soul.
It took a while for me to be willing to dig down into the dirt and begin the process of rooting out not only the sin itself but the repercussions of it, the tangles of it, the ways that it had poisoned my relationship with others, my identity, my way of thinking, my sense of belovedness before God, and my very soul.
You may win in this world (Satan's world); but you will lose your very soul.
To the extent that the church loses the story, it loses its very soul.
And the Great Contraption shall be built by His humble children who dwell upon the earth upon which lays the tainted sand onto which the writing about the Great Contraption shall be written by Him... (10:15 - 21) And so shall the Great Contraption serve the humble children and transport them to all corners of the world in half the time of the fastest contemporary propeller - driven aircraft, thus shall the need no longer be great for the consumption of the foul in - flight meal, nor the mingling with the wicked air hostess in her offensive garment which does reveal the calfs of her shapely, comely and smooth white legs and nubile curvaceous buttocks which call as like a siren to the very soul of a devout man, and her breasts.
Francis Bernadone wanders into a church in Assisi, stands under the crucifix over the high altar, looks upon that body impaled, cadaver - like, before him — stark, simple, demanding — thinks he hears it speak, and feels his very soul pierced by the force of it all.
God is here, not an occasional invader of the world but its very soul, the basis of its life, its undergirding purpose, its indwelling friend, its eternal goal.
The doctrine of the suffering of God is so fundamental to the very soul of modern Christianity that it has emerged with very few theological shots ever needing to be fired.
The light of God in our very soul.
But if in their very soul they're saying, I don't want that, He says, «OK, then you have to go where I don't exist.»
Might it have been because he knew the goal was now within his reach, that after three hard years of testing, trial, stress and many disappointments, giving, always giving, pouring out his mind, his heart, his very soul, spilling forth so readily the vibrant life that was within him in acts of healing, feeding, loving, might it have been with some relief he caught sight of the end of his long journey, glimpsed the goal which, fearful though it was to us, to him would mean fulfillment of his task, the long - expected climax and conclusion of his pilgrimage?
The greatest holdout in the nineteenth century was perhaps Dostoevsky, in whose very soul the struggle between the presence and the absence of God took a classical form.
I suggest you read this scripture in it's entirety Waldo, you very soul depends on it.
Also, Southerners argued that a slave society was the best form of society, and that «the division of mankind into grades, and the mutual dependence and relations which result from them, constitutes the very soul of civilization.»
It is very different music but somehow it still gets served up in a tango that you can dance to it and your very soul pulses in response.
No matter how far away we live or how long it's been, there's just no one else I can spontaneously connect with about stupid idiosyncrasies that are (for better or worse) ingrained in my very soul.
December's cold, too, in this Midwestern neck o» the woods — for that matter, so is March — but when the year turns anew, I find I must rely heavily on soups and stews (and seed catalogs) to get my very soul through this dreary month.
It's super nutritious and very soul - satisfying, two characteristic I definitely look for in a soup.
My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.
Your soup looks very soul satisfying and it's so cold here in D.C. that I wish I had some of it this weekend!
Depressing to our very soul!
But on this season's showing, the resignation may have seeped into his very soul.
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