Sentences with phrase «very wrong assumptions»

The pundit's remarks were premised on a number of very wrong assumptions and assessment of the situation.
You're making some very wrong assumptions, Mike, so I'll go through them quickly and you can ask me about any of them that you wish:
Besides, you've made a very wrong assumption.

Not exact matches

Wrong in his overall gender assumptions, but right in one very critical way: Most people just want you to listen to them.
I also used very conservative assumptions where appropriate since I'd much rather be wrong on the low side than wrong on the high side when estimating net worth.
However, you may very well be «wrong» in your «assumptions»... i.e...
But as McFague has said, «for theology to do less than fit our present understanding — for it to accept basic assumptions about reality from a very different time — seems blatantly wrong - headed» (McFague, 14).
The old and very boring ex-Spuds manager Harry Redknapp has given his opinion on whether Arsenal will be challenging for next season's Premier League or not, but he has made some assumptions which are totally wrong and need to be addressed.
Clearly both assumptions are very wrong.
Things look very different if we start from the opposite assumption: Teachers want to do their best for children and are willing to work as hard as it takes, but they may not know how to improve or what's wrong with the way they've always taught.
Obviously, judging from the male writers (who have supportive wives) and the people like me (no other income to fall back on) you are very clearly wrong in your assumptions!
It was transfixing to watch Automata's plot slowly unfold, layer by layer, as it reveled in knowing every assumption I was making about the game — and the very nature of the story it was telling — was wrong.
I believe the way that they would have handled it (although I could very well be wrong) is the assumption that so much of the carbon which we emit expressed as a percent will be taken up by that sink — prior to any climate forcing / feedback analysis.
As you say, we have all been sold a pup because the IPCC can not admit to what the data collected these past 40 years is clearly telling us, namely that there can not be strong positive feedbacks, the assumptions underpinning that assumption must be wrong, and that Climate Sensitivity can at the very most exceed the no feedback scenario by just a smidgen.
Alston, your very first statement, «The overall problem with models is that they are designed from the start to view GHGs as the central assumption,» is wrong.
I personally published what was wrong (with) my own original 1971 cooling hypothesis a few years later when more data and better models came along and further analysis showed [anthropogenic global warming] as the much more likely... In fact, for me that is a very proud event — to have discovered with colleagues why our initial assumptions were unlikely and better ones reversed the conclusions — an early example of scientific skepticism in action in climatology.»
In my opinion it was very wrong of the ICO spokesperson to be talking to anyone with the assumption that Jones had broken the law without an official decision notice having been published.
The former modeled short - term, natural cooling, not AGW warming, and the latter was very obvious circular reasoning which became redundant when Hadley later admitted their natural variability assumptions were wrong anyway.
And actually, my final conclusion is that there is nothing actually «wrong» with the basic science — it already includes these lower factors and a low prediction for doubling in 2050, but there is an assumption that this low prediction is very unlikely.
[9] Unfortunately, after the Approved Settlement was approved by the court and after the parties set about to implement it, almost immediately, they discovered that their assumptions or predications about the value of the surplus to be distributed to the Integration Group were very - very wrong.
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