Sentences with phrase «very bad»

According to these writers, the established order is in very bad shape indeed.
We no longer flinch from staged vulgarity and even depravity, but we do flinch from reminders that we became who we are through some fateful and very bad choices.
It seems that his reports are generally reliable, but, even if the situation in vocation offices and seminaries is only half as bad as he suggests, it is very bad indeed.
Even to me this sounds very bad.
This is very bad and very scary....
«Dad» has made his kids think he's perfect... even though we all know he's done some very bad things... like this little act of Global Genocide otherwise known as The Flood.
The US governments are treating me very bad; I do need help please.
If society allows politicians to pass laws against free inquiry, we are in a very bad situation indeed, they say.
I have found time and disposition, for example, to occupy myself much more than formerly with universal Geistesgeschichte; on two journeys to Italy to let classical antiquity speak to me as it had never done before; to gain a new relationship with Goethe, among others; to read countless novels, a good many of them from those first - rate producers of the English detective novel: to become a very bad but very passionate horseman, and soon.
I wasn't sure what «secular» meant, but by the way she said it, it sounded very bad.
Giving him ANY position or voice in government would be very scary, not to mention VERY BAD for all of us.
Parallels have been drawn with the Church of England's coldshouldered response to the AfricanCaribbean Windrush generation who arrived in Britain in the 1950s; something that the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has referred to as «a very bad sin».
They truly contribute to giving Christians a very bad name!
Gregory answers with three amusing analogies: a bad poem, an unpaid debt, and an unretrieved insult.36 Suppose I write a very bad poem and then decide to give up writing.
Slavery in antiquity wasn't necessarily the same sort of «chattel» sort that some assume, though it could be very bad.
Some people are capable of doing very, very bad things.
This is a very weak point for the reason that whether you live in a very bad neighbor hood or a very good neighbor hood, your own experience is very limited, as you pointed out to me when I said I have experienced no evil.
They are also saying this is a judgment of God... and not just the money problems, but all the natural disasters too which we know have been very bad this year.
And in the same paragraph: «It is really very difficult for people — including large associations of people and huge corporations — to do anything very bad, for very long, when they are not buttressed by the threat of physical coercion.»
Secondly, once the issues came to the surface in a very bad marriage, choosing to ditch the marriage, and the children, instead of seeking the support they need to keep the family together, and keep the children safe.
Both of them have displayed very bad judgement all along the way.
Suddenly a detachable Jesus seems like a Very Bad Idea.
I've seen both very good and very bad fruit come from organized religion — including Christianity — and prefer to think of each individual as spiritually unique rather than the sum of his or her religious culture.
Frankly, I've had a very long, very bad week, and you're only here to cause trouble.
And yes I know, they are probably very bad and evil and have hunchbacks and pimples on their noses and they laugh like «muahahaha».
Corporations are bad, very, very bad.
They are simply in a very bad way not of their choosing.
And there is another whole story there of how Hanukah came to be, of how God miraculously brought light into a very bad situation.
That's a very bad thing for America.
And by you saying he ruined your life, is very bad to say, he changed my life, I have lived through alot of this, all because I did ask, and I lived, I am getting through, and its thanks to God, he can get you through anything, all things are possible with him, and that is true, my anxiety and depression have gone down (I am still human), and I just am an all around better person because of him, and you should get rid of your Facebook as well, and devote every hour minute anything you can towards God and Christ, turn the tube off, and just devote it to him, I promise you won't be sorry, good luck and God bless!!!
But we all know that it can also be a very bad expression of love, as with rape or abuse, which has nothing to do with love and everything to do with power, domination etc..
I've had a very bad relationship with Jesus and God.
But I just can't see how you posting it, after she has clearly expressed her refusal to post her copy, could be anything but a very, very bad move.
Many Christian clichés appear to be true, but are almost always used in a damaging and controlling context and teach people some very bad theology.
I would hasten to add that this, while widespread and only slightly caricatured, is very bad Lutheranism.
But I have become very bad with names in my old age.
The situation is very bad because politically in Eritrea there is a dictator and they live without any type of freedom or democracy.
If there is a god, the odds that it will be the one you worship are very bad, indeed.
They're leaving a very bad taste in our mouths.
I would feel very bad about myself if I did that.
I tried going to church, but every single time I just had a very bad feeling in me.
Not to be able to get to Topeka tonight is very bad.
Thats a very bad and false way of leading
Cntraceptives are very bad for the woman and will cause Health Care costs to significantly increase as they cause cancer and many other serious side effects.
At a time that Eygpt is in very bad shape economically.
«One boy we prayed for came with a very high fever and a cough; he was in a very bad state.
His policies are horrid, very bad for our country.
That must make me a very bad person indeed.
Some of us had a very bad experience with christianity.
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