Sentences with phrase «very beginning of the school year»

At the very beginning of the school year, Finn comes home saying his Kindergarten class is making a video called «Why I am unique,» to be viewed at an upcoming assembly.
Try these effective strategies for having students participate in group work from the very beginning of the school year.
Over the years, I have learned that establishing expectations for your students right at the very beginning of the school year can have significant results on how your students behave in your classroom.
«[Scott Beigel was] a man who showed up at the very beginning of the school year without a single clue about cross country and made a huge impact on our team,» said sophomore Annagrace Myers, who was holding back tears as she addressed the crowd.

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Today, as we begin our milestone anniversary year — 50 incredible years — I am very optimistic about the future of the Haskayne School of Business.
Very near to the beginning of the year in a Waldorf School we celebrate our first festival.
If it is the beginning of the year or after a break from school, it is very common for children to have separation anxiety or reject going to school.
Williamsville's Martzloff told the audience at a budget hearing Thursday night that the district's administrators will be monitoring class sizes at the elementary level very closely this summer up to the beginning of the 2017 - 18 school year, and will add teaching staff if necessary.
It doesn't have the best reputation «cause it is considered to be a bit simple, that is, you know, we teach it to either, you know, advanced high school students or, you know, if you take it in first year university it would be near the beginning of the semester, because it really is not meant to be a very difficult play compared to Hamlet or certainly King Lear.
I have observed my journey unfolding, taking me from one end of a very mainstream spectrum teaching high school English, History and Psychology for two years, through the middle as a personal trainer, fitness competitor, and too many 50 + hour weeks of management at fitness facilities, to the opposite end, the beginning of a very off the beaten path spectrum where I landed after becoming a certified Yoga teacher in June 2009.
So this year at the beginning of this year at school I just didn't mention it but on social media they'll see that my life is a little different than their life and people that know already are very positive about it because they appreciate that I dare to wear what I love and they really support me!
I believe this project played a big part in the great beginning of a very successful school year
As someone that taught for 33 1/2 years, the very first FULL day of vacation was always the beginning of possibilities of things to do that I didn't get to do during the school year.
That may explain why, on the very first day of the school year, the students begin by reading and discussing the standards, and then turn to their main activity of circling and looking up words.
«I am optimistic, cautiously optimistic with schools, but in a reasonably long term; ie here the next two years is when we will begin to see some results, but it is a very difficult, complicated, slow, very protected market, where defenders of what should be the introduction of technology and aid coming through technology in schools, which are teachers, are very comfortable with the paper book, in the territories that they already dominate and control.
Dr. Cruz also took steps in her first year to begin to break down the organizational culture of autonomous schools and autonomous units, noting: «When I walked into this district again, it was very fragmented.
Mr. McNeill is very excited to began the school year and also being a part of the wonderful team here at MCD.
But we aren't running this campaign just to win — we want this to be the beginning of a 10 - year effort to make California's public schools the very best.»
Likewise, as a school leader I was always very intentional that the beginning of each year prioritized a process that helped our teams to develop relationships, deepen our appreciation of the strengths and assets in our community, and to sharpen our understanding of our collective history and the context we were engaging in together.
Muskegon Heights students are heading back to class today to begin the second half of what's been a very turbulent school year.
By the end of the school year, we had a series of recordings that the sixth grader captured — from the very beginning — digital ink colors — all the way through the girl drawing Early Literacy words, invented spellings, pictures on the screen, and telling a full story about a princess.
In addition to numerical scores from a standardized test she administers herself at the beginning of the school year, there's a note to a student telling him he's between a fifth - and sixth - grade reading level: «Please push yourself very hard to be ready for seventh grade.»
A primary focus will be on how to use spring screening data to group students for fall instruction so that those students needing intervention can access them at the very beginning of the new school year.
The career has advantages for people who enjoy working with animals and people alike, in that the education can be completed in three years or less and can begin right after graduating high school, it is very affordable, pays a good hourly wage, and has job opportunities in a wide variety of fields.
Tehrani's deanship begins at a difficult period in Cooper Union's history, in the still very shaky aftermath of the school's 2014 decision to begin charging tuition for the first time since its founding 156 years ago.
A very short hand version of a typical visitation order (assuming both spouses reside within 100 miles) is as follows: the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Friday of every month from Friday (beginning at either school dismissal or 6:00 p.m.) until the following Sunday at 6:00 p.m., every Thursday beginning at either school dismissal or 6:00 p.m. and ending either at 8:00 p.m. that night or when school resumes the following morning), as well as 30 days in the Summer, and additional visitation periods for Spring Break, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, depending on whether it an odd or even numbered year.
I have two kids going to ishikawa both my my kids had have bad experience with bad teachers in kinder and first grade my son in this past school year 1st grade did not pass do to very poor support from his teacher we tried to set a meeting with the principal because the teacher had been telling us in our conference we had in the beginning of the school year that she felt like our child was going to repeat first grade which is kind of odd to say in the beginning of the school year she also said she felt like we needed to go see a doctor for her son because she felt there was something wrong with his head.
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