Sentences with phrase «very cells»

We don't have tools sophisticated enough to measure things that are happening inside our muscle fibers or inside or very cells as we exercise.
Headset works very cell and is comfortable.
Neither of the two were in high school yet, and their father wasn't very cell phone or Internet savvy to figure out what they were doing, so I played the game with them to be sure it was appropriate.
Your sound, your unique scent, the very cells in your body became known to your child before birth.
«The very cells that make up the circuit are the ones that put the circuit together.
The new study revives suspicions that adenoviruses cause an immune «own goal», priming people's immune systems to produce CD4 cells — the very cells that HIV prefers to infect — and, worse still, to direct those cells to the parts of the body that are most vulnerable to the virus during sex.
The implications of that finding are truly radical: that Mimi, or a Mimi - like ancestor, emerged prior to the three other domains and played a key role in inventing the very cells of which humans and all complex cellular life - forms are made.
One reason the bacterium has survived for so long is that it has developed a sophisticated mechanism for hiding in the body: it resides in white blood cells called macrophages, the very cells that would normally kill it.
Tuberculosis bacteria hide in the very cells that would normally kill them.
Current treatment includes antiviral medication, but these are not always well tolerated by patients and they also harm the very cells that bone marrow transplantation aims to replenish.
These relationships give scientists a clue where to go next: how to take an association, and prove that sexual competition produces changes in how the very cells in our bodies function.
Unlike smallpox - an easy target - HIV kills some of the very cells (so - called T - helper cells) which are fundamental to our immune system defences.
«Dr. Ding has found an entirely new way to replenish the very cells lost to disease.»
To make cell characteristics visible to the human eye, scientists normally have to use chemicals that can kill the very cells they want to look at.
They further discovered that the cellular source of the collagen VI in the brain was neurons, the very cells that the disease attacks and that we all need to think and remember.
But now scientists in the laboratory of Gladstone Institutes» Investigator Sheng Ding, MD, PhD, harnessing the power of regenerative medicine, have developed a technique in animal models that could replenish the very cells destroyed by the disease.
The spirochete infects the B - lymphocyte cells of the immune system, the very cells that are supposed to produce antibodies to fight the infection, therefore paralyzing the immune system.
Because when we begin to create a healthier world, healthier diet, healthier way of being with each other, that talks to the very cells in our body.
MK: In terms of the power of the film, obviously everyone's well aware of the slightly ludicrous statements around when it came out by, for example, Billy Graham, who said that there was an evil embedded in the very cells of the film.
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